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Aim and Scope


The Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science is a peer-reviewed,half yearly journal established to:

  1. Offer an opportunity for physical educators, sports scientists, specialist in human movement studies and recreation, as well as other sport-related professionals, the prospect to report their study findings and experiences.

  2. Afford the experts and other concerned individuals in the above disciplines the opportunity to study more about the practice of the disciplines in different portions of the globe.

  3. Produce awareness in the entire world about the professional practice in the disciplines of physical education.


The Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports Medicine & Exercise Science provides opportunities to the Physical Education and Sports experts and Professional in the field of:

  1. Kinesiology & Sports Biomechanics

  2. Sports Psychology

  3. Sports Medicine and Doping

  4. Sports and Exercise Physiology

  5. Sports Training

  6. Health and Health Education

  7. Adapted Physical Education

  8. Test & Measurement and Kinanthropometry

  9. Sports Sociology

  10. Games & Sports Laws, etc.

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