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Indian Journal of Crop Science
Year : 2006, Volume : 1, Issue : 1–2
First page : ( 142) Last page : ( 145)
Print ISSN : 0973-4880.

Evaluation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) genotypes under variable water regimes

Singh R.D.1, Singh P.N.2, Kumar Abhay2

1Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow - 226 002, (U.P.), India

2ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, WALMI Complex, Phulwari Sharif, Patna - 801 505, India


Pre-monsoon period is the most critical phase for irrigation in sugarcane as it coincides with hot and desiccating winds in India. The varieties, which require less water in the summer months are most suitable under moisture stress conditions. The computed water requirement of sugarcane in sub-tropical India requires 140–180 cm and in tropical India 200–240 cm water throughout the year. Water is the principal limiting factor in sugarcane production. The application of water on desired phase of growth is much important as farmers applying irrigation in the sugarcane on availability of irrigations from the source. There was significant variation among levels of irrigation and different genotypes. Maximum cane yield was obtained at IW/PAN-E (0.8) and found at par with 1.2. Among the early group of genotypes, maximum cane yield was recorded for CoLk 9412 followed by LG 94184 and found significantly superior over CoLk 9414 and CoS 687. Whereas among the mid-late group maximum cane yield was recorded for CoLk 9606 followed by CoLk 9618 and LG 94204 and found significantly superior over CoS 767.


Key words

Critical phase, early & mid-late genotypes, water regimes, IW/PAN-E .


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