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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year 1985, Volume-15, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960

Table of contents

Growth of groundnut as influenced by different inocula of Meloldogyne javanica
P.K. Sakhuja, C.L. Sethi

A revised key to the species of genus Helicotylencrus Steiner, 1945 (Nematoda: Rotylenchoidinae)
D. N. Fotedar, V. Kaul

Efficacy of four systemic nematlcides against Radopholus similis in coconut nursery
P.K. Koshy, P. Sundararaju, V.K. Sosamma, K. Ravikumar

A new and a known species of Thonus Thorne, 1974 (Aporcelaimidae: Dorylaimida) from India
Wasim Ahmad, R.P. Nath, M.G. Haider

Persistence of carbofuran in soil and pea crop and its bioefficacy against soil nematodes
H. C. Meher, N. P. Agnihotri, C. L. Sethi

Allometric studies on Basirolaimus indicus and Hirschmanniella oryzae (Nematoda: Tylenchida)
M. I. S. W. Aliullah

Estimation of losses in barley due to cereal cyst nematode in sandy and sandyloam soils
D.K. Handa, R.L. Mathur, B. N. Mathur, B.D. Yadav

Comparative pathogenicity of the reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis on a susceptible and a resistant varieties of pigeonpea
N. A. Thakar, B. S. Yadav

Parasitism and interaction between Pythium myriotylum and Meloidogyne incognita in soft rot complex of ginger
R.D. Lanjewar, V.N. Shukla

Effect of some fungi on nematode hatching and larval root penetration
Kumkum Walia, Gopal Swarup

Effect of initial inoculum levels of Meloldogyne incognit a and roty lenchvlus reniformis on pigeonpea and their interrelationship
K.N. Pathak, R.P. Nath, M.G. Haider

Morphological, morphometric and allometric variations in Hemicriconemoides cocophillus from Orissa, India
S. Ray, S.N. Das, U.K. Mohapatra

Correlation of plant growth components to bunch weight in banana infested with burrowing, nematode, Radopholus simills (Cobb)
J.S.K. Charles, T.S. Venkitesan, Yageen Thomas, P. A. Varkey

Frequency of occurrence of various plants parasitic nematodes and root-rot fungi on groundnut in Punjab
P.K. Sakhuja, C.L. Sethi

Nematostatic properties of Tagetes patula L. aqueous leaf extract on Xiphinema basiri Siddiqi, 1959
Indra Rajvanshi, M.K. Varma, B.S. Yadav

Changes in the phenolic contents, related rhizosphere mycoflora and nematode population in tomato inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita as a result of soil amendment with organic matter
S.P. Singh, Veena Pant, A.M. Khan, S.K. Saxena

Three new nematodes species attacking fruit trees in India
M. Luqman, Shahid Hasan Khan

Attraction and feeding behaviour of adult Hirschmanniella oryzae
Anwar L. Bilgrami, Irfan Ahmad, M. Shamim Jairajpuri

Effect of different types of soils on multiplication of Radopholus similis and growth of coconut seedlings
V.K. Sosamma, P.K. Koshy

On the multiplication of Rotylenchulus reniformis in susceptible and resistant cultivars of cowpea
M.M. Haque, P.V. Padmavathy

Short Communications

Estimation of crop losses in peas due to Meloidogyne incognita
P. Parvatha Reddy

Control of root-knot nematodes on Solanum Khasianum bycbemical bare-root dips
K. Diyakara Shetiy, D.D.R. Reddy

Resistance in Solanum species to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita
K. Diyakara Shetty, DDR. Reddy

Host range of Heterodera mothi Khan and Husain, 1965
A.S. Taya, Harish K. Bajaj

A modified technique for evaluation of systemic nature of pesticides in rice
K.S. Krishna Prasad, Y.S. Rao

Pathogenicity and identity of Ditylenchus myceliophagus “Indian population” infesting Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. in India
N.K. Sharma, C.D. Thapa, Damanjeet Kaur

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne arenaria on Arachis hypogea
M.U. Vaishnav, H.R. Patel, I.U. Dhruj

A redescription of Belondira sacca Thorne, 1964 with first report of its males
Wasim Ahmad

Reaction of some mungbean varieties to the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira, 1940
D.S. Patel, N.A. Thakar

Reaction of banana cultivars popularly grown in Karnataka to the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis (Cobb, 1893) Thorne 1949
N.G. Ravichandra, K. Krishnappa

Comparative efficacy of antagonistic intercrops with carbofuran in control of burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis in the banana cultivar nendran
J.S.K. Charles, T.S. Venkitesan, Yageen Thomas

Effect of temperature on larval emergence on Heterodera zeae
A.N. Srlvastava

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine (Piper betle L.)
G.B. Jagdale, A.B. Pawar, K.S. Darekar

Pathogenicity of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javaitica (Treub) Chitwood on jute, Corchorus spp.
C. Mishra, B. Singh

Reaction of some winged bean varieties to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita
P.N. Phukan, M.H. Hazarlka

Effect of Eupatorium odoratum extracts on Meloidogyne incognita
S. Subramaniyam

Susceptibility of some pomegranate varieties to root-knot nematode
R.R. Verma

Preliminary studies on the quantitative analysis of Iipids and proteins in Meloidogyne incognita, before and after treatment with nemacur
Ranjana Marwah, S. Khera

Control of grapevin nematodes with systemic granular nematicides and their effect on yield
K.S. Darekar, B. D. Patil, N.G. Patil

A note OD the occurrence of Sorghum cyst nematode, Heterodera sorghi in Punjab State
P.K. Sakhuja, Inderjit Singh

Response of styloses (Stylosanthes spp) against root-knot nematode
Mujib I. Azmi

Isolation of nematophagous and parasitic fungi from soil and other sources in India
Kum Kum Walia, Gopal Swarup

Reaction of some betelvine varieties to root-knot nematode
G.B. Jag Dale, A.B. Pawar, K.S. Darekar

Record of Criconemella parvula (Siddiqi, 1961) De Grisse & Loof 1961 in South India
M. Sivakumar, T.S. Muthukrishnan

Biochemical changes in okra infected with root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognito, some hydrolysing and oxidaitive enzymes and related chemical metabolites
M.L. Agarwal, A.K. Goel, Satish Kumar, M.S. Tayal

Tylenchorhynchus annulatus, a potential pest in virginia flue cured tobacco
K.S. Krishna Prasad

Comparative studies on penetration of roots by Rotylenchulus reniformis in relation to age of the seedlings and time interval on cowpea
M.M. Haque, P.V. Padmavathy


Integrated Control or Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, with NEEM Cake and Granular Nematicides on Tomato
B.N. Routaray, H. Sahoo

Integrated control or root-knot nematode, infecting pepper vines in Kerala
T.S. Venkitesan, Arthur Jacob

Effect of summer ploughing, alone and in combination with some other effective practices, on the incidence of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) on tomato (cultivar HS 101)
R.K. Jain, D.S. Bhatti

Effect of multiple cropping sequences on the dynamics of nematode population and crop performance
M.M. Haque, H.S. Gaur

Influence of weed control practices on nematode population dynamics under different cropping seqoences
H. S. Gaur, M.M. Haque

Effect of crop rotation on the population of cereal cyst nematode
Hanuman Singh

Effect of organic amendments and antagonistic plants on control of root-knot nematode infesting betelvine (Piper betel L.)
G.B. Jagdale, A.B. Pawar, K.S. Darekar

In-vitro and pot culture studies on the effect of dry products of Andrographis paniculata, Calendula offidnalis, Enhydra fluctuans and Solanum khasianum on Meloidogyne incognita
B.K. Goswami, K. Vijayalakshmi

Control of Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine withneem oileake and saw dust under field conditions
A. Acharya

Effect of aqueous extracts of madar (Calotropis gigantea) and amarbel (Cuscuta reflexa) on larval mortality, hatching from egg masses and subsequent penetration into tomato roots
K. Vijayalakshmi, B.K. Goswami

Efficacy of garlic as nematicide against Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949
Rakesh Gupta, N.K. Sharma, Damanjeet Kaur

Bacteria as potential biocides against Anguina tritici Larvae
Nandini Gokte, Gopal Swarup

Efficacy of paecilomyces lilacinus in controlling root-knot infestations on cowpea and mung bean
S.K. Midha

Management of Heterodera zeae on maize through pesticidal seed dressing
C.L. Sethi, A.N. Srivastava

Effect of nematicidal seed treatment on germination, growth and susceptibility to penetration by Meloidogyne incognito on pulse crops
S.D. Mishra

Control of nematodes by nematicidal seed treatment of pigeonpea
S.D. Mishra

Control of molya disease caused by Heterodera avenae of wheat and barley I. through seed treatment
D.K. Handa, B.N. Mathur, R.L. Mathur, B.D. Yadav, G.L. Sharma

Effect of seed treatment and granular pesticides on root-knot nematode and nodule formation in green gram
K.D. Upadhyay, Kusum Dwivedi

Chemical control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica in mung by seed coating alone and in combination with soil drenching
I.J. Paruthi, D.C. Gupta

Relative efficacy of some nematicides and organic materials in the control of reniform nematode on french bean
R.P. Misra, N.N. Padhi

Effect of different nematicides and neem oil cake in the control of Radopholus similis in yellow leaf disease affected Arecanut Palms
P. Sundararaju, P.K. Koshy

Management of root-knot nematodes and their disease complex in field with plant growth regulators and multipurpose chemicals
K. Sitaramaiah, S.N. Vishwakarma, J.K. Prasadji, Y.P. Singh

Effect of phytohormones namely IAA, KN & GA3 & nematicides, a1dicarb and carbofuran, on root-knot of Capsicum frutescens with special reference to plant growth and development
D.K. Maheshwary, S.P. Singh

Effect of some homoeopathic chemical on galling due to Melodogyne incognita in tomato
A.K. Pradhan, S. Ray

Efficacy of fungicides as nematicide against Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949
R.P. Yadav, N.K. Sharma, Damanjeet Kaur

Evaluation of nemacur against Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood in a cardamom nursery
S.S. Ali

Control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) through nursery bed treatment in tomato (CV HS 101)
R.K. Jain, D.C. Gupta

Effective duration of Phenamiphos in management of root-knot nematodes in bidi tobacco nursery
D.J. Patel, S.K. Patel

Efficacy of some granular systemic nematicides for controlling the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis on Brinjal
R.K. Tarar, A.C. Verma

Control of root-knot nematode by soil organic amendments
A.K. Pathak

Reaction of some nematode resistant tomato cultivars to mixed inocnlations of Meloidogyne incognita and Pseudomonas solanacearum
B.N. Routaray, H. Sahoo

Resistance of some pea varieties to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita
G.L. Sharma, B.D. Yadav, B.N. Mathur, L.K. Bhatia

Reaction of F1 vegetable hybrids to root-knot nematodes
D.J. Patel, S.K. Patel, G.J. Patel, S.T. Patel

Evaluation of cowpea varieties for resistance to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognito (Kofoid & White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949 on cowpea
R.P. Nandwana

Screening of certain varieties of Arhar against Meloidogyne incognito and Rotylenchulus reniformis
Subhash Bhargava, A.K. Pathak

Effect of pre-sowing solarization on plant parasitic nematodes in chickpea and pigeonpea fields
S.B. Sharma, Y.L. Nene

Morphometric and allometric variations in Hirschmanniella gracilis (De Man, 1880) Luc & Goodey, 1963 (Tylenchida: Nematoda)
Shanta Basu, Qaiser H. Baqri

On the intraspecific variations of Hemicriconemoides litchi Edward and Misra, 1963 and H. mangiferae Siddiqi, 1961
Pushpa Rani, Harish K. Bajaj

Comments on the classification of Tylenchida
Sudershan Ganguly, E. Khan

A note on the occurrence of Heterodera infection in banana in Kerala
T.S. Venkitesan, J.S.K. Charles

Rice cyst nematode, Heterodera oryzicola in the soils of Kerala State
K. John Kuriyan, R. Usha Kumari, Hebsybai

Rice root nematode, Hirschmanniella oryzae and burrowing nematode Radopholus similis in the soils of Kerala State
K. John Kuriyan, Hebsybai, R. Usha Kumari

Occurrence of mycorrhizal fungus and Aphelenchus avenae on some citrus root stocks
P.P.S. Baghel

Occurrence of root-knot nematodes in cardamom plantation of Karnataka
S.S. Ali

Occurrence and distribution of Rotylenchulus reniformis in castor grown in North Gujarat
S.T. Patel

Host range of pratylenchus cojfeae
S. Das, S.N. Das

First record of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne sp. on date palm
A.C. Verma, S. Bhargava

Effect of storage conditions on viability of cysts of Heterodera avenae

Ecology and distribution of predatory nematopbagous fungi in I.A.R.I. campus, New Delbi
S.S. Srivastava

Effect of cyst extraction techiques on biology of Heterodera zeae
Rajan, Oopal Swamp

Physical ecology of plant pathogenic nematodes associated with ginger in Darjeeliog District, West Bengal
Rama K., M.K. Das Gupta

Community structure of plant parasitic nematodes in banalla rhizospheres around Bhubaneswar, Orissa
S. Ray, A.K. Parija

Survival of Tylenchorhynchus coffeaein fallow soil
R.K. Mohanty, S.N. Das

The survival of Radopholus similis infesting coconut in host free soil
V.K. Sosamma, P.K. Koshy

Growth of cow-peaand reproduction of Heterodera cajani as influenced by certain root-rot fungi
K.S. Vara Prasad

Effect of interaction between Meloidogyne javanica and Fusarium solani on chick-pea
M.R. Dalal, D.S. Bhatti

Studies on the interrelationship of gall forming nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) and Rhizobium species on cow pea and its control
K.D. Upadhyey, P.K. Singh

Effect of single and concomitant occurrence of root-knot and reniform nematodes on resistant and susceptible tomato cultivars in different soil types
Gurtej Singh, B.S. Yadav

Investigations on susceptibility of winter maize, sorghum and pearl millet to Punjab population of Heterodera avenae
P.K. Sakhuja

Pathogenicity of Rotylenchulus reniformis on frenth bean
R.P. Misra, N.N. Padhi

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine (Piper betel L.)
A. Acharya

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incoglJita on ginger (Gingiber officinale Rose.)
Sudha Sukumaran, P. Sundararaju

Studies on the pathogenicity of rice-root nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae (Van Breda De Haan 1902) Luc and Goodey, 1963 on rice
M.R. Dalal

Effect of Meloidogyne spp. on tuberose (Polyanthes tuberosa L.)
Rajeswari Sundarababu, Sivagami Vadivelu

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne arenaria on three cultivars of groundnut
D. Prasad

On the biology of Heterodera sorghi
A.N. Srivastava

Population level studies of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949 on ginger (Zingiber officinale, Rose)
A. Parihar

Some observatioos on the effect of plant growth regulators on root-koot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) and tomato
J.K. Prasadji, K. Sitaramaiah, Y.P. Singh

Attraction of Xiphinema basiri toward plant roots
Anwar L. Bilgrami, Wasim Ahmad, Shamim Jairajpuri

Protein and some enzymes from ‘apparently healthy’ roots of infected root system of tomato cultivar Pusa Ruby
A.K. Ganguly

Studies on Anguina tritici I. Enumeration of larval population using weight criterion of wheat seed galls caused by A. trifid (SteinBuch) Filipjev, 1936
M.K. Varma, I. Rajvanshi

Studies on Anguina tritici II. Relation between gluten amino acids and susceptibility of Aestivum wheat cuftivars to ear-cockle disease
M.K. Varma, B.S. Yadav

Effect of Heterodera cajani on pigeon-pea growth
S.B. Sharma, Y.L. Nene




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