Attraction and feeding behaviour of adult Hirschmanniella oryzae Bilgrami Anwar L., Ahmad Irfan, Jairajpuri M. Shamim Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202001, India. Abstract Feeding behaviour of adult Hirschmanniella oryzae comprised of four phases viz., exploration of feeding site, stylet penetration, ingestion and departure from the feeding site. Ingestion of cell contents was intermittent and lasted to 20–110 min but often stretched to 3–4 h. Salivation was not observed. H. oryzae was attracted towards cabbage seedlings and its homogenates. The attraction was greatest in higher concentrations (80, 100 per cent) while least in the lower concentrations (20, 40 per cent) of cabbage root homogenate. Top Key words H. oryzae, behaviour, feeding, attraction, cabbage seedlings. Top | |
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