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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1985, Volume : 15, Issue : 2
First page : ( 180) Last page : ( 185)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Morphological, morphometric and allometric variations in Hemicriconemoides cocophillus from Orissa, India

Ray S., Das S.N., Mohapatra U.K.

Department of Nematology, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003, India.

Accepted:  January,  1985.


Morphological, morphometric and allometric variations in the Orissa populations of Hemicriconemoides cocophillus have been studied. Characters like b, Rex, V, and RV are seen to be highly stable while those like Sty., Prorh., Knob-width, R, number of annules from anterior end to vulva and anus and width of Ist lip annule treated are as fairly stable; a,c,c.' G, width of Ist lip annule; head height, length, of vulual sheath and post vulval body length and L/lengthof post vulval body length look to be fairly variable and those like L, VL/VB, DOG opening and Rvan are considered highly variable. Morphologically, tail shape, annule surface, lip sizes and degree of sclerotization of lips also vary considerably. H. communis Edward and Misra, 1963 is considered a junior synonym of H. cocophillus. Range, mean, C.V. % and C.D. in respect of twenty six characters provided.


Key words

Hemicriconemoides cocophillusH. communis, morphology, morphometries, Synonym, allometries.


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