A new and a known species of Thonus Thorne, 1974 (Aporcelaimidae: Dorylaimida) from India Ahmad Wasim, Nath R.P., Haider M.G. Department of Nematology, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa-848125, Bihar, India. Abstract Thonus garhwaliensis sp.n. has 107-1.13mm long body; a = 28–29; b = 3.7–4.0. c = 66–11; V == 56–59; odontostyle = 15–16 μm; odontophore = 18–19 μm; spicules = 37–38 μm long, 10 closely spaced ventromedian supplements and a short hemispheroid tail. T. cylindricus is reported for the first time from India. Top Key words Thonus garhwaliensis sp.n. Top | |
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