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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1981, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 129) Last page : ( 130)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Chemical control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on brinjal by nursery treatment

Kurien Susannamma, Kuriyan K. John

College of Agriculture, Vellayani.

Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981


The effect of nursery treatments on brinjal seedlings and their subsequent performance in a root-knot nematode infested field was studied with four chemicals, viz. DBCP @ 3ml.a.i./sq.m, metham sodium @ 15, 20 & 25ml/sq.m, carbofuran @ 0.2, 0.3 & 0.4 g/sq.m. and temik @ 0.2, 0.3 & 0.4g/sq.m. Seeds of brinjal (local) were sown in nematicides treated nursery beds. Seedlings were uprooted on the 30th day after sowing and transplanted in the corresponding plots for each treatment in the main field. The performance of these plants were compared.

All the seedlings, except in check, were free of root-knots. There was significant increase of 49.2 to 54.4% in number of leaves over check, 10.7 to 16.4% in height of plants over check and 36.38 to 39.4% in weight of 25 seedlings, over check. In the main field, plants raised from seedlings treated with carbofuran at 0.4g/sq.m, aldicarb at 0.4g/sq.m. and metham sodium at 25 ml/sq.m gave significantly superior results of characters studied. The number of leaves increased over check by 101.8% with carbofuran @ 0.4g/sq.m, 69.3% with aldicarb @0.4g/sq.m. and 68.5% with metham sodium@ 25 ml/sq.m. There was an increase of 60.4% shoot weight with carbofuran @0.4g/sq.m., 51.1% with aldicarb @ 0.4g/sq.m and 47.8% with metham sodium @ 25ml/sq.m., over check. The root weight also significantly increased by 43.8% with carbofuran @0.4g/sq.m., 40.4% with aldicarb @ 0.4g/sq.m and 37.4% with metham sodium @ 25 ml/sq.m. over the check plants. The number of fruits and weight of fruits were incereased by 84.0% and 66.9% with carbofuran @ 0.4g/sq.m., 63.9% and 97.2% with aldicarb @0.4g/sq.m. and 69.5% and 68.7% with metham sodium @25ml/sq.m.

The total number of galls in each plant was reduced by 71.2% with carbofuran @0.4g/sq.m., 68.4% with aldicarb @0.4g/sq.m. and 57.4% with metham sodium @25ml/sq.m. Soil population of plant parasitic nematodes including M. incognita was also found to be reduced by 20.0 to 50.1% in nematicide treated plants over the check.


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