Effect of removal of knotted root portion on the establishment and yield of bidi tobacco Patel G. J., Shah H. M., Patel D. J., Valand G. B. Tobacco Projects, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand Campus, Anand. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract During the period of seedling famine, the farmers go for planting even heavily knotted tobacco seedlings. Such seedlings later on remain stunted and the farmers suffer heavy loss. To explore the possibility of planting such seedlings after the removal of knotted root portions on the development and the yield of bidi tobacco in general as well as in DBCP treated plots, an experiment was conducted for two years. Heavily as well as moderately knotted seedlings were selected for the purpose and unclipped as well as seedlings after removal of knotted root portions were planted. Apparently healthy seedlings served as check. These five types of seedlings were relegated to sub plots while nematicidal treatment was allocated to main plots. The results indicated that the use of nematicide improved the growth of the seedlings and reduced the disease significantly, however, clipping of the knotted roots did not make any substantial impact either on seedlings establishment or crop yield. The planting of heavily knotted seedlings results in 44% loss in yield. Top | |
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