Occurrence of root-knot on turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and its chemical control Patel D. J., Makadia B. M., Shah H. M. Tobacco Projects, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand Campus, Anand. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Turmeric (Curcuma longa, L.) Crop grown in the residential area of the Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand Campus, Anand during 1978–79 showed stunting and withering. Such plants died prematurely. Examination of the roots of such plants revealed heavy galling. The rhizomes were much reduced in size. Microscopic examination revealed the presence of large number of mature females with egg masses identified as Meloidogyne incognita. Application of DBCP (Nemagon 60 EC) at 15 1 a.i./ha and phenamiphos (Nemacur 5G) at 2.5 kg. a.i./ha. checked the disease and resulted in increased rhizome yield to the tune of 360 and 208% respectively. The reduction in the disease was to the extent of 44 and 15% respectively. Top | |
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