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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1981, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 124) Last page : ( 124)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Effect of agronomical practices and DD application on nematode population and crop yield

Haque M. M., Prasad D.

Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi-12.

Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981


Clear fallow, fallow with weeds, one ploughing, two ploughings and three ploughings were compared along with the DD treatment. Effect of fallow, number of ploughings, DD treatment at the rate of 300 liters/ha on nematode population and yield has been studied under field conditions. During rabi season wheat was sown and mazie was taken for kharif season. All the three ploughings were found to be superior as compared to plots kept under fallow. Highest total nematode population was observed in plots under fallow and fallow with weeds and wheat yield was reduced to about four times (2.80 kgs) in comparison to plots which received DD treatment (8.40 kgs). Increase in the number of ploughings resulted in a corresponding decrease of Hoplolaimus indicus, Helicotylenchus sp., Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris, Pratylenchus zeae and Longidorus sp., and also corresponding increase in corp yield was observed. Almost the same trend was observed in maize crop. Fallow decreased maize yield considerably (3.89 kgs) whereas DD treatment increased the yield (11.19 kgs). Nematode population build up was also maximum in plots which preceded fallow.


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