Studies on disinfecting potato seed tubers with methyl bromide in Nilgiris Thangaraju D., Sundaram R., Vijayaragavan S. Department of Agriculture, Tamil Nadu. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Potato cyst nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida are causing considerable damage to potato cultivation in Nilgiris. Survey has revealed the presence of the cyst nematodes in an area of 7000 acres at present. Since the seeds were found to be the main carrier, studies were taken up for disinfecting the seeds. Fumigation experiments with methyl bromide were conducted from 1977–80 in mini fumigation chambers. The results revealed that fumigating the infested seed tubers with methyl bromide for 5–6 hours killed the cyst contents. The treated tubers were also stored for different weeks and planting was taken up at weekly intervals for 3 months to know whether there was any adverse effect on the crop. It was interesting to note that the treated tubers sprouted quickly and no harmful effects were observed during the crop period. This provides an economical and effective quarantine method, preventing further spread of cyst nematodes in Nilgiris. Top | |
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