Prevalence and intensity of nematode infestation in tea plantations of West Bengal Mukherjee B., Dasgupta M.K. Plant Pathology Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati University, Sriniketan-731236, W.B. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Analysis of 120 soil and root samples collected from five widely distributed tea estates and plantations in Darjeeling District, West Bengal showed presence of nineteen species of plant parasitic nematodes belonging to thirteen genera of which sixteen were hitherto unknown in West Bengal. Intensity of nematode infestation was compared and analysed by relative frequency, relative population density and prominence value of the nematode species at different locations. Nematode densities varied greatly with plantations, ranging from less than 10 to more than 950 nematodes per 250 ml soil. Helicotylenchus dihystera ranked first in mean population density/site and prominence value, although it was less frequent as compared to other nematode species. Helicoty lenchus spp., Praty lenchus loosi and Macroposthonia ornata were also considered prominent in these tea plantations. Pratylenchus loosi, Paratylenchus lepidus, Atlantodorus porosus, Aglechus agricola, Coslenchus spp, have been found to be associated with tea for the first time from India. All species are new with respect to geographical distribution. Top | |
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