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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1981, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 109) Last page : ( 110)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Influence of different sources of nitrogen on the root nematode build up in relation to biochemical changes in the rice roots

Prasad J. S., Rao Y. S.

Central Rice Research Institue, Cuttack-6.

Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981


The effect of organic and inorganic sources on the building of the root nematode, Hirschmanniella mucronata and changes in total phenols and nitrogen levels were studies in rice var. IR. 8. The organic fertilizers viz., Ammonium sulphate, urea and Cal. ammonium nitrate and inorganic fertilizers viz., Azolla, Water hycinth, Ipomea, FYM, Biogas affiuent and cattle shed washings were given to make 60 kg/ha in 4 replications. Samples were collected 50 days after treatment and analysed for nematodes, nitrogen and total phenols. Maximum build up was observed in cattleshed washings treatment followed by treatments with Ipomea, Biogas affluent and FYM in which high amounts of nitrogen and low total phenol contents were recorded comparatively to the other treatments.


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