On the mechanism of resistance in wheat and barley against Heterodera avenae Swarup Gopal, Dasgupta D.R. Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural, Research Institute, New Delhi-12. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Studies on the mechanism of resistance to cyst-forming nematode, Heterodera avenae were made in 3 vars. of wheat (viz. Kalyan Sona, cv Festiguay and Aus 10894 x Olympic) and 4 vars. of barley (viz. BP 263, BP 264, C 164 and Ratna). Initial observations on penetration of larvae revealed that the nematodes penetrated in an the varieties tested, although in varied numbers. However, subsequent to their penetration, only few cysts developed in wheat var. cv Festiguay and barley vars. BP 263 and C 164. No cysts were observed in barley var. BP 264. There was a corresponding decrease in cyst contents in all these varieties which are judged to be resistant to the nematode. Alteration on proteins and enzyme proteins was remarkable in nematode infested materials. Increase in the concentration of proteins as well as peroxidase activities were recorded in nematode-infested plants, the increase being more in resistant than susceptible varieties. Barley vars. BP 263 and C 164, resistant plants to the neatode responded to parasitic invasion by synthesizing two additional anionic proteins bands having different electrophoretic mobility. The newly synthesized proteins were identified as peroxidase components and judged to be significant in relation to resistant responses. Top | |
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