Interaction of Heterodera oryzicola and Meloidogyne graminicola in artificial inoculation in rice Rao Y. S., Prasad J. S. Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-6. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract To study the influences of Heterodera oryzicola on the multiplication of Meloidogyne graminicola and vice versa, inoculations were made to 10 days old plants of rice var. CRM 13–3241, separately, simultaneously and one nematode inoculation followed by the other 7 days after in different combinations. Observations were taken on the 7th, 22nd, 37th and 52nd day after inoculations. It was observed that the larvae of M. graminicola hatched and invaded the roots earlier than the H. oryzicola larvae. No significant differences were found in the multiplication of M. graminicola in different levels of inocula or in different combinations with H. oryzicola. Multiplication in the individual inoculation of H. oryzicola treatments was found to be superior to the treatments in which H. oryzicola was given simultaneously with M. graminicola or H. oryzicola inoculation followed by M. graminicola after 7 days. Top | |
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