A simple method for inoculation and production of symptoms by Radopholus similis on coconut Koshy P. K., Sosamma V. K. Nematology Laboratory, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Regional Station, Krishnapuram P. O. 690 533, Kayangulam, Kerala. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Raising sprouts by dehusking seednuts partially by retaining a tuft of fibers covering the eyes of the nut was found to accelerate germination and make roots available six weeks earlier for easy handling in the laboratory. Using this method, characteristic elongate orange coloured lesions could be detected on coconut roots under a stereoscopic binocular dissecting microscope after 24 hours of inoculation with Radopholus similis. Top | |
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