Effect of simultaneous inoculations and prior establishment of Heterodera zeae, Meloidogyne incognita and Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris singly and in combination on penetration of H. zeae and M. Incognita into maize roots Kaul R. K., Sethi C. L. Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institue, New Delhi-12. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Three day old seedlings of maize (cv. Ganga-5) were inoculated with 50 larvae of H. zeae or M. incognita, either singly or in combination with 50 individuals each of the species in glass vials (7.5 x 2.5 cm). The experiment comprised of six treatments. Similarly in an another experiment comprising of 12 treatments, 3 day time interval was given to one or two of the species to establish themselves before addition of the inoculum of the 3rd species. The observations on the number of larvae penetrated into root system were recorded at one day interval for 7 days. Penetration continued upto 7 days with the majority penetrating by 4th day. In case of simultaneous inoculations, M. incognita did not seem to interfere with penetration of H. zeae. As against this M. incognita was adversely affected by the presence of H. zeae occurring singly or in combination with T. vulgaris. Even though presence of T. vulgaris in simultaneous inoculations tended to increase penetrations of both the endoparasites to varying degrees, its earlier establishment affected their penetration adversely. In general prior establishment of any of the species, either singly or in combination, significantly reduced the invasiveness of both the other species. Larval penetration of both the nematodes was more whenever these were inoculated earlier. Top | |
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