Effect of soil texture on the development of Heterodera avenae population Bhatti D. S., Malhan Indra Department of Nematology, Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar. Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981 Abstract Population development of Heterodera avenae in six soil types, namely, clay, clay loam, loam, loamy sand, sand and sandy loam, was studied in 15-cm pots. Of each soil type there were four pots having one plant each, inoculated with 300 second-stage larvae one week after germination of wheat cv. Sonalika. The experiment was set up in December 1974 and terminated in March, 1975. The number of cysts/plant and cyst contents were recorded at the end of experiment. The data showed a great variation in development of H. avenae in different soil types. Loamy sand and sandy loam were the best soils for higher rates of multiplication and development. Clay and clay loan were not suitable soils for cyst development. The cyst content did not reflect any correlation with soil type, but it was maximum (179.31 eggs) in loam followed by sandy loam (136.0). Top | |
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