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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1981, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 96) Last page : ( 96)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Factors effecting larval emergence from cysts of the maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae

Verma A. C., Yadav B. S.

Department of Nematology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Presented at Nematology Symposium held at Coimbatore, India in February, 1981


Effect of different media, cyst age, light and darkness, temperature, hydrogen ion concentration and root diffusates of maize varieties on larval emergence from cysts was investigated. Double distilled-water and sandy soil diffusate were best for larval emergence. H. zeae showed maximum per cent emergence from white than brown cysts. Light and darkness did not influence emergence. No hatching occurred at 10°C and 40°C and the optimum temperature was 30°C. Hatching was observed from 4.0 to 11.5 pH with an optimum of 10.5 pH but not at 3.5 or lower pH levels.


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