Morphological variations in populations of Pratylenchus Thornei Sher and Allen, 1953 Singh D.B.1, Khan E. Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Part of thesis accepted for M. Sc. Degree of the Post-graduate faculty of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-12. 1Present address: Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, 255, Upper Palace Orchards, Bangalore-6. Abstract The values like body length; a; b; c; v; lip dimension; body length/spear length; oesophageal length/spear length and length of posterior uterine sac/body width showed considerable variation even in single population of pratylenchus thornei: whereas the number of head annules, length of spear and the length of post uterine sac in respect of vulval body dimension showed more stability. More work on these lines is needed to ascertain the morphological variation, so that a better evaluation of taxonomic characters can be made available for the identification of species of this genus. Top | |
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