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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1981, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 35) Last page : ( 41)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Soil and plant parasitic nematodes from Maharashtra, India: Two new species of Hemicycliophora De Man, 1921 (Tylenchida: Nematoda)

Darekar K.S.*, Khan E.

Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012 India.

* Present Address: Department of Entomology, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri-413722, Maharashtra, India.

Received:  December,  1980.


H ekdavici sp. n., collected around the rhizosphere of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. has loosely fitted body sheath, lateral field absent, R-178-205; L=0.9–1.1 mm long body; 75–84 μm long spear; a=20–23, b=6–8; c=6.0–7.5 and V=83–90. H. punensis sp. n., collected around the rhizosphere of Eugenia jambolina has tightly fitted body sheath, lateral field marked by a row of rectangular blocks, 40–50 longitudinal lines; L=0.8–1 mm long body; 56–70 μm long spear; a=19–25; b=5.0–6.7; c=5–7 and V=80–90. H. penetrans Thorne, 1955 is being reported.


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