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Indian Journal of Nematology
Year : 1981, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 10)
Print ISSN : 0303-6960.

Efficacy of nematicides for field control of nematodes infesting certain vegetable crops

Alam M. Mashkoor, Khan Abrar M., Saxena S. K.

Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202001, India.

Received:  March,  1980.


Efficacy of nematicides viz., DD, 1, 3-D, DBCP, Phorate, Fensulfothion and Dime-thoate was tested against some important genera of plant parasitic nematodes. All these nematicides significantly suppressed populations of all the nematodes to varying degrees around roots of tomato, eggplant, chilli, okra, cabbage, cauliflower and table beet. Fensulfothion proved to be most effective in reducing the population of nematodes around table beet and cabbage while DBCP was most successful in tomato and cauliflower and DD in eggplant, chilli and okra. Beneficial effects of these nematicides were evident by manifold increase in the yield or plant growth. DD gave best results with respect to the plant growth/yield in tomato, eggplant, chilli, okra and table beet, Fensulfothion in cabbage and Phorate in cauliflower.


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