Agriland and Biotech Ltd. & M/S Nico Orgo Manures
Hanorary Fellows
Dr. J.S. Gill
Dr. D.J. Patel
Dr. P.P. Reddy
Dr. P.N. Phukan
Dr. Sadasiv Ray
Dr. P.K. Koshy
Editorial Board
Dr. Raman Kumar Walia,
Former Project Coordinator, AICRP (Nematodes),
ICAR,New Delhi
Dr. Vishal S. Somvanshi,
Division of Nematology,
Prof. Richard A. Sikora, Germany |
Prof. Tariq Mukhtar, Pakistan |
Prof. Hari Shankar Gaur, India |
Dr. Sergie Subbotin, USA |
Prof. Shashi Bhooshan Sharma, Australia |
Dr. Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad, Egypt |
Dr. H.M. Rohini K. Ekanayake, Sri Lanka |
Dr. Zahra Tanha Mafi, Iran |
Dr. Hemchandra R. Patel, India |
Dr. E.I. Jonathan, India |
The Nematological Society of India Executive Council (2023-2025)
President (2024-26) |
Dr. Pankaj, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
(pankaj_nema@yahoo.com) |
Vice-President (2023-25) |
Dr. Bhabesh Bhagawati, AAU, Assam
(bbhagawati_n@yahoo.co.in) |
General Secretary |
Dr. Matiyar Rahaman Khan, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
(mrkhan.icar@gmail.com) |
Joint-Secretary & Treasurer |
Dr. Rashid Pervez, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
(rashidpervez2003@gmail.com) |
Editor-in-Chief |
Dr. Raman Kumar Walia (retd), AICRP, (Nematodes),
New Delhi
(raman261156@gmail.com) |
Editor |
Dr. Vishal S. Somvanshi, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
(vssomvanshi@iari.res.in) |
Delhi Zone: |
Dr. Chandramani D. Waghmare, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi |
North Zone: |
Dr. Prakash Banakar, CCSHAU, Hisar |
South Zone: |
Dr. H. Kesava Kumar, ICAR-CTCRI, Kerala |
Central Zone: |
Dr. Rizwan Ali Ansari, AMU, Aligarh |
East Zone: |
Dr. Nishi Keshari, RPCAU, Bihar |
West Zone: |
Dr. Hemraj Gurjar, SKNAU, Jobner |
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