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Manuscript Submission Guidelines (2023)

The Indian Journal of Nematology is published twice a year. Original research papers on all aspects of plant-parasitic, entomopathogenic, and other soil-inhabiting nematodes will be considered for publication. Other publication formats include new reports, short communications, reviews, feature articles discussing a new concept or recent developments, and abstracts of papers presented at the symposia sponsored by the Nematological Society of India. If any author wants to submit short reviews on current topics of interest on any aspect of Nematology, please contact the editors to decide on the topic and get their approval before submitting the review. Members of the society are encouraged to kindly submit Nematology news from their respective departments/ states and send it to Editors for publishing. The news could communicate information regarding the appointment of new faculty, superannuation, awards, new projects and grants, departmental events, new students joining the discipline, degrees awarded to the students, etc. At least one of the authors should be a Nematological Society of India member.

The manuscript should be submitted in a single Word file via IndianJournals.com or through email (nematologicalsociety@yahoo.com) to the Editor-in-Chief Indian Journal of Nematology, with the understanding that it is to be published exclusively in the Indian Journal of Nematology. We request that all authors keep the plagiarism below 15% and prepare the articles in journal format. Any article not complying with these standards will be returned to the authors for revision immediately. The subject specialists will review the papers and promptly communicate their decision to the contributors.

The language of the article should be simple. All manuscripts must be typed in English, double-spaced throughout, including tables and citations, on M.S. Word with a 2.5 cm margin. Full-length papers should not exceed six printed pages or 8000 words, but longer papers will be considered on merit. Not more than eight illustrations (tables/figures) will be entertained in a manuscript. Metric and Celsius units are to be used. International rules of nomenclature should be followed in the naming of organisms. The trade names of nematicides and other chemicals should be preceded by their chemical nomenclature.

The manuscript should be continuous line numbered, and the page number should be marked on the bottom right-hand corner of each page of the manuscript. A short title should be given at the beginning of each article. The title must express clearly the contents of the manuscript. The paper's title should be followed by the author's name, institutional affiliation, postal and email address of the corresponding author, a condensed factual abstract, and keywords. The abstract must provide a short and clear summary of the aims, key methods, main findings, and conclusions without exaggerations. Keywords should be able to make the article discoverable by readers using various databases.

The manuscript will be arranged in the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections, followed by acknowledgement and references. Please do not merge results and discussion sections.


Must introduce the reader to the topic concisely, summarize the current state of the developments and knowledge in this field, establish the gaps in the knowledge, define the aim of the study, and establish the research question.


Must be adequate for the research question. Details should be provided to allow the repetition of experiments by an outside lab/researcher. Proper controls must be included.


Must be presented accurately, and the conclusions drawn should be unambiguous. Various paragraphs in the result section must match the methods, and the text must be consistent with the data in the figures, tables, or supplementary material.

Tables and figures must present data clearly and appropriately, consistent with their description and interpretation in the text; figure legends and table captions must explain the contents of the figures/tables concisely.


Must logically explain the findings and compare them with existing literature. It must also discuss the limitations of the study and contradictory data. Must discuss implications of the findings for future research and potential applications.

A conclusion statement must follow the discussion.

For new taxa descriptions/ reports/ papers, authors are advised to mention the slide and accession numbers from any recognized repository such as the National Nematode Collection of India at Division of Nematology, I.A.R.I., New Delhi, or Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.


Please see if all references cited in the text are in the reference list. For any method or procedure, original references must be cited. Refer to the following section for reference citation style.

References cited in the text should be listed alphabetically, and the citations should be complete, including authors, year of publication, the title of the article, journal, volume, inclusive pages, and DOI for all kinds of articles where available.

For example

Research Article Without a DOI

Linford, M.B. & Yap, F. (1940). Some host plants of the reniform nematode in Hawaii. Proceedings of Helminthological Society of Washington 7: 42-44.

Research Article With a DOI-

Kumar, V., Khan, M.R. & Walia, R.K. (2020). Crop loss estimations due to plant-parasitic nematodes in major crops in India. National Academy of Science Letters 43: 409–412. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s40009-020-00895-2

Book Without a DOI-

White, P.R. (1943). A handbook of plant tissue culture, Jaques Cattel Press, Lancaster, Penn., pp. 277.

Book with a DOI-

Fourie, H., Spaull, V. W, Jones, R.K., Daneel, M.S. & De Waele, D. (2017). Nematology in South Africa: A View from the 21st Century. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. pp. 569. 10.1007/978-3-319-44210-5.

Chapter In A book-

Mc Donald, A.H., De Waele, D. & Fourie, H. (2017). Nematode pests of maize and other cereal crops. In: Fourie, H., Spaull, V., Jones, R., Daneel, M., De Waele, D. (eds.), Nematology in South Africa: A View from the 21st Century. Springer, Cham. Switzerland. pp. 183-199. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-3-319-44210-58


Culbreath, J., Wram, C., Khanal, C., Bechtel, T., Wadl, P. A., Mueller, J. & Rutter, W. B. (2023). A high-throughput sampling method for detection of Meloidogyne enterolobii and other root-knot nematodes in sweet potato storage roots. bioRxiv, 2023-05. https://doi.org/ 10.1101/2023.05.10.540019

A web source cited in the text should be listed along with the date accessed in the reference section. For example- https://icar.org.in/content/technologies-products-commercialization-national-research-centre-mithun. Accessed on 25.05.2023.

Each table should be typed on a separate page. Figures must also be provided at the end of the manuscript in separate pages, and their illustrations and lettering should be high resolution and at least 300 dpi. Coloured illustrations (graphs, pictures, plates, etc.) are acceptable for the online version, but the printed copies will carry only their greyscale versions. Therefore, they should be prepared with the grayscale format in consideration. Figure legends are also to be typed on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript. Data are to be presented either by tables or figures, not by both.

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