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Guidelines to Contributors

The International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine is published biannually, publish original work in the fields of Medical Toxicology, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Radiology, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Science, Toxicology, Sexual behaviour, pollution, Environment hazards, Emergency medicine, Traffic Medicine, Traumatology. Communication of articles on these topics, editorial matters and book for review should be sent to.

Dr. O.P. Murty, M. D.
Editor-in-Chief, Room No. 304, 2nd Floor,
New Forensic Block
Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi - 110029, India
E-mail : dropmurty@yahoo.co.in
Fax : 091-11-26588663

Contributions are accepted for publication on the condition that their substance has not been published or submitted for publication and are subject to copy editing, and to editorial changes required for conformity with journal style. Papers submitted in this Journal should not be sent elsewhere.

Manuscripts : Two high-quality copies with CD/Floppy on white bond paper should be submitted (one of them the original typescript) and the author should retain a copy. Articles must be typed on one side of the paper and must be numbered sequentially, starting with the title page. It should not exceed 10 typed pages including references and tables.

  1. The title should be brief and to the point. The names of the authors should appear on the title page only with their affiliations and their full address.

  2. A summary should be given at the beginning of the article. It should be brief and to the point, factual and not normally more than 100 words.

  3. The articles should include the following headings : Introduction, Keywords, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. (IMRAD Structures)

References :

All references should follow guidelines given by world association of Medical editors available on internet. A few examples are :

(1)For the original papers, the name(s) should be followed by the title of the paper, the full name of the journal, year of publication, the volume number and the number of the first and last page of the paper e.g. :

  1. Kietner GI, Rayan CE, Miller IW, Norman WH,Norman HW. Recovery and major Depression. Amer J Psychiatry. 1992; 149 : 727-29.

  2. Engelberg H. Low serum cholesterol and suicide. Lancet. 1992; 339 : 727-29.

(2)For the text book and monographs, the name of the author should be followed by the title of the book, editor, and the publisher Eg. Macelod John. In: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, 12th Edition, Churchill Living tone : London, 1997:12-14

All references should be mentioned in the text giving the name of the author and the year. The list of references should be alphabetically arranged and must not be numbered. No part of the references should be underlined. While any reference carrying the names of more than two authors may be condensed by using the term 'et al' this is not permissible in the bibliography, where names of authors, must be mentioned.

Reprints : In case of multiple authorship, all copies will be sent to the first author. If an author requires additional reprints, the order must be sent together with the manuscript, which will be supplied on extra payment.

Tables : Each table should be on a separate sheet, with adequate heading : table and heading together should be self explanatory. The desired position of the table relative to the text should be indicated in the left margin.

Figures : All the comments on tables apply equally to figures. Figures should be on glossy photographs, not photocopies; photographs for reproduction should also be glossy prints. Illustrations hold only be used where necessary to clarify important points. Redrawing for preparing illustration to make them suitable for photographic reproduction will be charged to the author.

Brief Communication : For prompt publication papers can be submitted under this section. Manuscript should contain a maximum of 2000 words including a maximum of 20 references and not more than two tables; figures may not be used.

Letter to the Editor : Letter should not exceed two double spaced typed pages. Letters can be regarding articles published in this journal or any other significant matter. Letters will be edited for clarity and conformity with journal style any may be shortened. There should be not more than five references; tables and figures cannot be used.

All Articles have to be sent on a Computer CD/MS Word software or by E mail in MS Word software attachment.

Articles that do not meet the above specification will be returned to the author for revision before being considered for review by the editorial board.

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