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International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 4
First page : ( 82) Last page : ( 87)
Online ISSN : 2319-5886.

Relationship of Prolactin Serum Levels and Breast Cancer with Hematological Factors Among Cases in Karbala Province, Iraq

Ali Jaafar Kh.1, Hassan Salim H.1,*, Oleiwi Salam A.2

1Community Health Department Karbala Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat University, Kufa, Iraq

2Community Health Department Technical Institute of Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat University, kufa, Iraq

*Corresponding e-mail: inkr.salm@atu.edu.iq

Online published on 19 November, 2018.



Globally, one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer and nearly half million die because of it. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer which leads to mortality among women.


The main aim of this research is to find the relationship of prolactin level in women with breast cancer.


The research was conducted in the Al-Hussein Medical City at Al-Hussein Center for the treatment of tumors and blood diseases. A total of 71 specimens were collected from females with breast cancer. Blood specimens were collected, and a blood group, PCV, Hb, ESR and prolactin level was evaluated.


The results show that most breast cancer cases were in age group 40–50 years, and less common among other age groups. The married women were 97% and the unmarried was 3% only. Most studied cases (43%) were O +ve and 26% were A +ve blood group, in comparison to other blood groups. Also, many women show a slightly decrease in hemoglobin and PCV level (<11.0 g/dl, <36% respectively), on the other hand the mean value of ESR was increased non-significantly (p>0.05). The prolactin levels were increased (31.5 ng/ml) significantly in compare to normal range (2–27 ng/ml) in women in all age groups.


The study concludes that there was a relationship between prolactin level and breast cancer with a highly significant value.



Breast cancer, Prolactin, ABO, ECLIA.


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