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International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 6, Issue : 5
First page : ( 49) Last page : ( 54)
Online ISSN : 2319-5886.

Benefit of Selective Inspiratory Muscles Training on Respiratory Failure Patients

Ibrahim Ahmed Abdelmoniem1,2,*

1Physical Therapy Department College of Applied medical sciences, University of Hail, King-dom of Saudi Arabia

2Physiotherapy Department Cairo University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding e-mail: boodytwo48@gmail.com

Online published on 15 November, 2018.


The purpose of this research was to detect the effect of training of inspiratory muscle on respiratory failure patients.


Thirty patients with respiratory failure were selected from Cairo university hospital (critical care department). These patients were divided equally into two groups, study Group A and control Group B. Each patient of Group A received inspiratory muscles training using threshold inspiratory muscle trainer (IMT), while patients of Group B received only chest physiotherapy. Oxygen level and respiratory muscles strength for each group were measured. Result revealed significant improvement in both groups, improvement was higher in Group A more than Group B regarding oxygen level and respiratory muscles strength.


Training of respiratory muscles using threshold inspiratory muscle trainer could be a useful in improving oxygen level and respiratory muscles power in patients with respiratory failure, this study revealed that, respiratory muscles training could be a helpful tool to improve oxygen level and inspiratory muscle strength for respiratory failure patients.



Respiratory failure, Respiratory muscles training, Traditional chest physiotherapy.


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