An interesting case of iatrogenic may-thurner like syndrome Rachaiah Jayasheelan Mambally*, Goyal Vikash, Nagesh C. M., Reddy Babu, Srinivas B. C. Department of Cardiology, Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, 9th Block Jayanagar, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, 560069, India *Corresponding Email: drjaymr@yahoo.com
Online published on 29 September, 2018. Abstract Deep vein thrombosis secondary to compression of left common iliac vein by right common iliac artery known as “May-thurner syndrome” is a well known entity. However compression of vein by nearby other structures is also described. We hereby report Iatrogenic cause of May-thurner like syndrome caused by vertebral transpedicular screwing done for spondylolisthesis compressing on vein causing deep vein thrombosis which was successfully treated by catheter directed thrombolysis and decompression procedure. Top | |
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