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International Journal of Managment, IT and Engineering
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-9 (September)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558

Table of contents

Location armoring in sensor network using virtual objects
Anju Jayan, P. Jenopaul

Multi chaos-based image encryption and lossy compression
S. Chandran, T. Rajesh

Indirect tax system in India
Mr. C. Azhakarraja

Pyrolysis of sawdust into medium-grade fuels and chemical preservatives
J. T. Oladeji

Challenges and prospects of success in diagnostic imaging entrepreneurship in Harare, Zimbabwe
G.R. Chingarande, A. Gwavava

Motivational determinants among radiology workers in Harare
Chingarande George

General strategies for identifying Human Disease Genes
Naila Rozi, Syed Khalid Jawaid(ku)

Performance test of CVCRV engine using blends of soyabean and mustard oils with petrol
Dr. D. R. Prajapati

Factors affecting the performance of students at university campus Kotli
Imrab Shaheen, Arbab Shaheen

Data stream mining for health care application
Satish Thombre, Snehlata Dongre

The efficacy of a bonus scheme on staff morale and quality of service: A case study of a private hospital in Botswana
Cosmas Mwanza, George R. Chingarande

Taguchi approach to optimize the bad fusion defect of wheel rim industry: A case study
Dr. D. R. Prajapati, Dr. P. Satsangi, Daman Vir Singh Cheema

Ship breaking industry in Pakistan – problems and prospects
Dr. Rukhsar Ahmed, Dr Kamran Siddiqui

An evaluation of middle management skills in a private healthcare service in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
C. Chilanga, C. Mwanza, G.R. Chingarande

E-tailing: growth, opportunities and challenges in India
Anuj Gupta

Organizational culture and impact on creativity and innovation: The case study of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Kamelia Chaichi

Secure network ID and attack measure selection in virtual network
S. Uvaraj, S. Suresh

Women can change the world by global participation and empowerment: A pathway towards a care economy
Dr. Namita Rajput, Ms. Anu Priya Arora, Ms. Baljeet Kaur

“Mobile recruitment”- A cutting or a bleeding edge…?
Sahana Madan, Dr. Vasanth Kiran

Harmonious employer-employee relations: The need for industrial harmony in Air India Airlines
Sana Deeba

Export processing zone (EPZ) approach in India with Abroad

Credit cards and consumer behaviour: A preliminary investigation
Sudershan Kumar

Effects of employee performance appraisal on service delivery in parastatals: A case of national hospital insurance fund, Kisumu, Kenya
Monica Akoth Achieng’, Bonventure Onyango Odote, Gilbert Owuor Olala

Millennium development goals, government health spending, infant and maternal mortality rates in Nigeria
Lloyd Ahamefule Amaghionyeodiwe

Green IT: Harvesting Heat using TPV (Thermophotovoltaic)
Manu Budhiraja, Shubhra Saggar

A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system(IDS)
Roshni Dubey, Pradeep Nandan Pathak

Impact of URDU language on telugu language

Association of technical and organizational translation with balanced scorecard - As a tool to strategic management
K Venu Gopal, Dr D. Vishnumurthy, Dr B. Sivakumar

Performance analysis and optimal design of a gasketed plate heat exchanger
T. Sridevi, Dr. A. Manivannan

Investor's perception of mutual fund investments with special reference to HDFC mutual fund-chennai
R.V. Suganya, Dr. M. Chandran

Enhancing the role of women in peace building and conflict transformation in African traditional societies
Miruka Babu Dennis, Dr. Martin J. Babu, Gladys Mogoi Mauti

Capital structure behavior with size of business– A case of Indian pharmaceutical industry
Dr. C.M. Shinde, Vikas Ramesh Adhegaonkar

Analyzing fuzzy reliability of series-parallel system
Neeraj Lata

ProbClean: A probabilistic duplicate detection system
Gagandeep Singh, Shubhra Saggar

Perceived service quality and customer satisfaction: An empirical study
K.S. Ravinarayana

Micro enterprises and economic empowerment of women
Imrab Shaheen, Dr. Mushtaq A. Sajid, Mrs. Qudsia Batool


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