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International Journal of Managment, IT and Engineering
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-6 (June)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558

Table of contents

Com port based distributed system
P.P. Patil, R. A. Nanaware, Dr. B T Jadhav

Magneto caloric effect based refrigeration system
Nitiin Kumar, Pawan Kumar Singh, Sumit Singh, Trayambak Dutt Tripath

A study on ant colony optimization (ACO)
Singh Garima, Sharma Shailja

Efficient mining of multi dimensional data using combined patterns
N.B.S. Vijay Kumar, K. Kalyani

Adaptive multipath selective secure data forwarding in sensor networks
A. Maria Franclin Monisha, S. Varatharaja

Poverty reduction and development capacity of artisanal gold mining in Zimbabwe and the role of ICT
Sam Takavarasha, Gilford Hapanyengwi, Lyman Mlambo

Wavelet based image segmentation of SAR flight images
S Dhilip Kumar, D Shruthi

Network controlled tracking of spacecraft formation flying with communication delays
S.R. Mohamed Sherin Hasina

Medical aid, healthcare analysis using ant colony algorithm & neural network
Sreema S. Kuma, Ms. C. Jeyanthi

Performance evaluation of realistic manet using modified adaptive position updation in geographic routing
Jincy Francis, Prof. V Gopi

Vision based autonomous navigation of Micro Air Vehicle
J Sathish Kumar, R Karthika

Effective segmentation of white matter lesion based on roughset theory and Fuzzy clustering
M P Jagath Krishna, T Rajesh

MEMS-based digital pen with a trajectory recognition algorithm for handwritten digit and alphabet recognition
S. Iswarya, Mr. T. Rajesh

Various methods for software fault prediction
Shabnam Jariyal, Balraj Singh

Cluster-based energy-efficient sensory data collection with mobile sinks
P. Prem Latha, Mr S Manikandan

A compact wireless remote monitoring and control system using embedded and GSM technology
Soorya surendran, S. Manikandan

Phase coded in multi input multi output radar systems
K Gavaskar, Sahaya Vineet

Graph theory based adaptive transmission power technique to improve the network life time in wireless sensor networks
S. Kannadhasan

Customer satisfaction on service quality of real estate agencies: An empirical analysis with reference to Kochi Corporation Area of Kerala State in India
K. K. Nasar, Dr. P. K. Manoj

Issues and challenges of E- recruitment in human resource management
R. Venkatesh

Flooding attacks using packet dropper method in optimized link state routing (OLSR)
Akshat Khaskalam, Mr. Sandeep Sahu

Profile of construction workers in Kerala
VP Abdul Nasar, Muhammed Basheer Ummathur

The effect of supply chain integration on information sharing: Enhancing the supply chain performance
A.H. Sajeeb Rahiman

A research paper on SEO aid in mobile website optimization
Ms. Poonam Bhagwandas Godhwani

The need for worker training in (AMT) environments
Faisal Hasan

A study on organized FMCG retailing in India - Road ahead
Dr. P. Thirumoorthi, Mr. S. Thandayuthapani

Need for green consumption in emerging economies — A case study of consumption patterns in Pune, Maharashtra, India
Dr Pradnya Chitrao, Dr. Asha Nagendra

Improvement in supplier selection mechanism in Indian electronics & telecommunication supply chain
Parul Goyal

A comparative study of various DDoS attacks there detection and discrimination approaches against a flow correlation approach
P. Pradeep, S. Aji Kumar

Agenda settings in public policy
Gokhan Koca

Competency framework- A case study of HCL Technologies Ltd. (Jurisdiction like Kolkata/Noida etc)
Utpalendu Mondal

Issues and challenges in web services in the 21st century
Ms. Priyanka Yadav, Mrs. Karuna Nidhi Pandagre

Training and development of non executives in tourism sector – A study of APTDC, India
Dr. Mohammed Abdul Azeem, Dr. Soofi Asra Mubeen

A survey paper on comparative study between Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
Parul M. Jain, V.K. Shandliya

Forecasting analytics using time series of Indian prepaid mobile services
P.S. Rajeswari, Dr. P. Ravilochanan

Asphaltene induced formation damage mitigation: A review
Okafor Henry Elochukwu, Mohammad Joukarborazjan

ICT for sustainable rural development: An Indian perspective
Swarnangini Sinha

Analysis and implementation of intrusion detection using wireless networks
Ms. Megha Jain, Ms. Surbhi Birani

Automatic lesion detection of diabetic retinopathy from color retinal photographs
S. Muhammed Raseem, M. Velladurai

CSR's ethical spirit in knitwear industry of Ludhiana
Prabhjot Kaur, Navjot Kaur

The contribution of corporate governance to narrow the expectations gap
Khaled Ahmed Mohammed Al-Alimi, Dr. Vivek V. Katdare

Web usage mining using artificial neural network
Dr. Prashant Chatur, Ketki Muzumdar, Ravi Mante

ScanDroid: Automatic classification of document images on android mobile devices
Gunjan Joshi, Prateek Bedmutha, Aman Patel, Kinjal Bathani

Is time to implement a comprehensive corporate governance framework for banks in United Kingdom?
Sheila Nu Nu Htay, Syed Ahmed Salman

Multifeature biometric recognition system for authentication process using image processing & gait analysis
Suraj Kumar J. Manowar, Prof. A. M. Sahu

Researches about the influence of surfaces roughness on resistance spot welding (RSW) results
Chirileanu Marius Ioan, Ursache Marius, Axinte Eugen, Achitei Dragos

Improvement of data sharing over mobile ad hoc network based on self-stabilize replica allocation
R. Varsha, Miss R. Mercy

Rough set theory based segmentation of tumor for MR images with CA approach
M Gopu, T Rajesh

Noval iterative superlinear-Convergence SVD mechanism for MIMO-OFDM
S. Sankarayya, P Jenopaul

Removal of impulse noise in image using cloud model filter
M. Elancheralathan, S. Aji Kumar

Visual reranking approach using Pyramid structure wavelet transform for image retrieval
Pushpanjali Chouragade, Dr. Prashant Chatur

Use of talent management in career of the employee
Pradeep Sharma, Reshu Agarwal


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