Issues and challenges of E- recruitment in human resource management Venkatesh R. Guest Faculty, DOS in Commerce, Manasagangothri, Mysore University, Mysore, Karnataka Online published on 7 November, 2013. Abstract E-recruitment Issues and Challenges in HRM has become a buzz word and is being used in various contexts the world over especially in HRM E-recruitment has changed the way in which recruitment is conducted. In this paper these changes are analyzed for specific human resource management (HRM) functions: job analysis and job design, recruitment and selection. The kind of changes witnessed in India due to globalization has been dramatic and resulted in proliferation of HRM and services of E-recruitment across the country. Online recruiting is changing the way employers think about finding good employees and the way employees think about their jobs and their employers. Indeed, the Internet may completely change the way companies manage human resources All these functions are affected by changes in the Business Environment, Technology, and potential Labor force of E-commerce. These changes create challenges for Human Resource professionals who must recognize the inherent differences between E-recruitment and traditional brick-and-mortar process. HR professionals must adapt to these changes quickly in order to maximize the performance of employees. This challenges has a direct link to globalization by virtue of various activities covered in E-recruitment. This paper looks at the impact of issues and challenges in E-recruitment in HRM to expose the effects and develop solutions. The company can contact some experts in this field to solve the problems like Rajesh Siddesh Hiremath experts in erecruitment Top Keywords E-recruitment, challenges, techniques, brick-and-mortar. Top | |
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