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Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2019, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 46)
Online ISSN : 2581-7019.

An Overview of an Intelligent Robot Navigation System using Ultrasonic Sensors and RFID

Ajaykumar Baindla*, Sirisha K

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad



Mobile robot navigation systems are essential to ensure the safety and stability of human robot interaction with more accurate and precise. In order to achieve the required features, the system has to be designed using the new technology RFID to reduce the cost and accuracy of existing navigation system that contains more sensors. The Project proposed a new navigation method for indoor mobile robots. The robot system is composed of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag sensor, a laser range scanner and a mobile platform and Ultrasonic sensors. The RFID tags are used as landmarks for global path planning and the topological relation map which shows the connection of scattered tags through the environment is used as course instructions to a goal. The robot automatically moves along hallways using the scanned range data until a tag is found and then refers to the topological map for the next movement. A particular method to estimate the location is based on the landmarks. In the landmark-based navigation, landmarks are required to be set in the building, usually on certain doors and corners. A topological map with nodes corresponding to the landmarks issued to do the navigation. Ultrasonic sensor is also used for taking the left or right turn whenever an obstacle is detected.



Robot Navigation System, RFID, Ultrasonic sensors, Topological maps, Mobile platform, Indoor mobile robots.


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