A Review on Effects of Nanofluids Biodiesel Blends on Performance and Emission of Diesel Engine Shankar A* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana, India *shankaraiet@gmail.com
Abstract This review investigates the advantages of nanofluids with biodiesel on emission and performance of CI engine. Usage of bio diesel in CI engine decreases depending on imported petroleum products and increase the benefits in reduction of global warming. But it is having the dis-advantages like lower heating value, high viscosity and higher density which increase the fuel consumption and NOX emissions reduce the usage of biodiesels. Now nanofluids are added to overcome these disadvantages. The usage of additives decreases the CO and NOX. We can observe the increase in the brake specific energy consumption and also in brake thermal efficiency. This review is about the usage of different nanofluids and their performance and exhaust characteristics. Top Keywords Nanofluids, Biodiesel, NOX, Brake Specific Energy, Brake Thermal Efficiency. Top | |
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