Experimental Investigation of a Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine Fuelled with Castor Oil and Steam Muralidharan K*, Senthilkumar D Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India *kmurali.sona@gmail.com
Abstract Non-edible oils are used mostly as fuel by converting its form to the less viscous form called as bio-diesel. But here in our project we have overcome the viscosity problem of the oils by preheating before letting it into the fuel tank. The preheated oil in the tank with blend could be the fuel to run the engine and that we have achieved in the project. Among various oils available we have considered the properties and availability and here we have used castor oil and their blends with and without diethyl ether additives to find out the best blend among all and also we have tested the raw oil blend with diesel and compared various properties on the basis of their performance and emission rate in the twin cylinder engine. From the overall experimentation we have tried to prove that the raw oils also can be used by preheating in the engine and may be the successful idea in the future days. The performance shows the characteristics are as per the requirement of the engine and the properties are comparable to the diesel and also the emission will be lesser. Thermal efficiency lies between 30-35% for blends while specific fuel consumption is less. Top Keywords Viscosity, Blends, Non-edible Oils, Performance and emission. Top | |
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