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Guidelines To Authors

International Journal of Innovative Horticulture (IJIH), a publication of Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India (CHAI) is an International journal publishing innovative research related to horticulture and allied branches.

The articles for publication will include papers that report novel data with a scientific and/or practical importance from all the disciplines of agriculture if they contain information on direct significance to horticulture. The journal covers the disciplines like plant genetic resources, crop improvement, genetics and breeding, biotechnology, micro-propagation, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, production system management, plant health management, physiology, biochemistry, management of biotic and abiotic stresses, nutrition of horticultural crops, soil sciences, pathology, pest and disease management, environmental sciences, horticulture for health and nutrition, horticulture for livelihood security, microbiology, water management, mechanization, policy, economics, statistics, extension research, impact of climate change, emerging technologies on horticulture, importance of horticultural research and innovation for development, post harvest technology and value addition, marketing and value chain management, with focus on horticultural crops viz. fruits, vegetables, flowers, plantation crops, spices, tuber crops, mushroom, apiculture, medicinal and aromatic crops, landscape etc.

The journal will be published bi-annually which will be converted into quarterly publication in the years to come.

Types of Papers

  • Research
  • Reviews
  • Case studies
  • New cultivars and new technologies
  • Commentaries and opinions
  • Policy issues
  • Abstract of PhD thesis
  • Book Review
  • Features, colloquia and workshops

Manuscript Submission

The International Journal of Innovative Horticulture (IJIH) will not publish any information that is already in the public domain in a scientific context. The work that is described in the paper should not have been published before and is not under consideration for publication anywhere else. Its publication should be approved by all the co-authors if any. The publisher will not be held legally responsible for any claims for compensation. The editorial board takes no responsibility for the fact or the opinion expressed in the Journal, which rests entirely with the author(s) thereof.

For submission of manuscripts log on to http://www.chai.org. in/ijih and upload your manuscript, in case of any difficulty authors may send query to the Managing Editor at Email: journal.chai@gmail.com.

Title Pages

The title page should include:

  • A concise and informative title (Arial Black, 13 point size, sentence case) & a short title
  • The name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation(s) and address(es) (Arial Black, 9 point size, Upper Lower case)
  • The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author (Times New Roman, 11.0 point size, Upper Lower case, Italics)


The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. An abstract should not be more that 250 words. (Times New Roman, 11.0 font size, Bold, ALL CAPS case)

Key Words

Please provide 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes (Times New Roman, 11.0 font size, Bold)


(Time New Roman, 12.00 font size, Bold, ALL CAPS case)

Text will come in Times New Roman, 11.0 font size.

Text Formatting

(Times New Roman, 11.0 font size)

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word
  • Use 11.0 Times Roman font for text with double spacing
  • Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages at the centre of bottom
  • Use table function, not the spreadsheets, to make tables
  • Use the equation editor or Math Type for equations
  • Send text in Microsoft Word and for graphics JPG with high resolution image

Sub Heading 1

(Times New Roman, 11.0 font size, Bold, Upper Lower case)

Sub Heading 2

(Times New Roman, 11.0 font size, Bold Italics, Upper Lower case)

To Italicize Or Not

et al., per se should always be in italics

in situ, in vitro, in vivo should be in italics

Species and genus names in italic (eg., Tanacetum umbelliferum).

Mathematical Equations and Statistical Tests

  • Use Metric units
  • If pertinent, explain all mathematical equations and statistical tests at appropriate points.

References in Text

Single Author

(Ryan, 2011)

Two Authors

(Smayda and Reynolds, 2012)

More Than Two Authors

(Falkowski et al., 1998)


(Times New Roman, 12.00 font size, Bold, ALL CAPS case)

Cite only those articles published or formally accepted for publication (in press).

Check and include all the references mentioned in the text.

Include adequate information to enable the reader to access cited materials (e .g., citations of books and conference proceedings must include name and location [city and state or country of the publisher].

Write full journal names according the most recent issue of BIOSIS Serial Sources.

Research Article

Kotur, S.C. and Singh, H.P. 1993. Leaf sampling technique in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 63: 632-38.

Singh, B., Chadha, K.L. and Singh, V. 2012. Evaluation of critical limits and development of leaf nutrient standards in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). International Journal of Innovative Horticulture, 1 (1): 24-32.

Single Author; More than one Publication in the Same Year

Smayda, T.J . (1997a). What is a bloom? A commentary. Limnology Oceanography, 42: 1132-1136.

Smayda, T.J. (1997b). Harmful algal blooms: their ecophysiology and general relevance to phytoplankton blooms in the sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 42: 1137-1153.

In Press

Hallgraeff et al., 2010. in press, cite projected year of publication.


Champman, H.D. and Pratt, P.F. 1961. Method of Analysis for Soil, Plant and Water, Division of Agricultural Science, University of California, Berkley (Place of Publication). USA (Country of publication, pp 61

Jackon, M.L. 1973. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. ltd; New Delhi (Place of Publication), India (Country of publication). pp. 532 (Total page nos.).

Narayanswamy, S. 1994. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India, pp. 335.

Book Chapters Within a Book

Pena, J.E. and Mohyuddin, A.I. 1997. Insect pests. In: The Mango: Botany, Production and Uses, 2nd edn., (Ed.). Litz, R.E. and lee, M.B., CAB International, Wallingford (Place of publication), UK (country of publication). pp. 327-362.

Conference Proceedings

Singh, H.P. 2002, Indian bananas-Issues and strategies. In: Abstracts of Global Conference on Banana and Plantain, 28-31, October, 2002, Bangalore (Place). India (country). pp. 11-12.

Meenakshi, S., Shin de, B.N. and Suprasanna, P. 2006. Somatic embryogenesis, plant regeneration and genetic fidelity testing of regenerants in different banana cultivars. In: National Conference on Production and Utilization of Banana for Economic Livelihood and Nutritional Security, 25-28, October, 2007, National Research Centre on Banana, Trichy (Place), India (Country), pp. 52-58.


Germano, N.M. 1998. Benthic-pelagic coupling in tropical shallow soft bottoms and implications for management. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Vienna (Place), Austria (Country). 234 pp.


Anonymous, 2006. Mutant Varieties Database, http://www/infocris.iaea.org/mvd/default.htm.

QDPIF, 2004. Red-banded mango caterpillar - A quarantine pest of mango. Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries. DPI Note, File No. APH0067, http://www.dpi.qld.gov.aulhealth/427B.htm/ (Assesses on 20 November, 2013).

Illustrations and Tables

As per the standard journal format. Title should continue from left margin.

Abbreviations and Units

Only SI units and abbreviations should be used. Normal and Molar concentrations should be written Nand M, respectively. The following standard abbreviations should be used: mg, kg, km, cm, m, rpm, s (second), h (hour), min, L(litre). ml, kg per ha or kg/ha. Latin biological names should be italicized.

Review Policy and Procedure

Before submission, manuscripts must be reviewed by two reviewers and revised appropriately, with the names of the reviewers included on the manuscript submission form. Manuscripts must be in IJIH style. A manuscript number will be assigned to each new or resubmitted manuscript, refer to this number in all subsequent correspondence. Submitted manuscripts that do not confirm to standards will be returned to authors for correction. Manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed by Editors who solicits at least two additional peer reviews. The purpose of the reviews is to assure readers that competent, independent professionals have found the published papers acceptable. Some revision is usually necessary after the reviews, and final acceptance generally depends on satisfactory revision. A manuscript will be considered withdrawn if the author will not respond within 2 months to a request for revision. Decision of Editor-in-Chief will be final for acceptance or rejection.


Acceptance of manuscript for publication in International Journal of Innovative Horticulture (IJIH) shall automatically mean transfer of copyright to Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India (CHAI). CHAI retains copyright for all its publications. Permission to reprint, republishes, or reproduce individual contributions or parts of contributions must be obtained from CHAI in writing. In addition, CHAI requires that credit should be given by indicating the volume number, pagination and date of publication.

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