International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology Year 2023, Volume-13, Issue-4 (October-December) Print ISSN: 2229-5984 Online ISSN: 2249-5576
Table of Contents
Digital Information Literacy among the Research Scholars of Mangalayatan University Milestone Mathura, Highway, Beswan, Uttar Pradesh: A StudyDheeraj Singh NegiDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00027.4
Awareness and Perception of Research Scholars on Copyright Law: A surveySavitha K.S., C. Krishnamurthy and Priyanka BadigerDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00028.6
How and Why Should Libraries Do CrowdsourcingMaya Carvalho e RodriguesDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00029.8
Factors Affecting Scientific ProductivityVishal Dattatray Bapte and Mohan R. KherdeDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00030.4
An Experimental Study on the KOHA OPAC Customization without HTMLAbhishek KumarDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00031.6
Content Analysis of Defence Science Journal 2015-2019Nanda Balbhimrao KaranjkarDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00032.8
Library Websites as a Platform for e-learning: A Study Concerning the Selected University Libraries of AssamAnurag Borpatra Gohain and Devanand MishraDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00033.X
The Impact of Internet of Things and Industrial Internet of Things on Library Services: A Scholarly ExplorationIndrakumara, M. Raghunandana and Charu Chandralekha SDOI:10.5958/2249-5576.2023.00034.1