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International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 2
First page : ( 69) Last page : ( 76)
Print ISSN : 2229-5984. Online ISSN : 2249-5576.

Usage and Subscription Patterns in eBooks

Hasan Nabi1,*, Chavan Shankar B.2, Chaurasia Neeraj Kumar3

1Deputy Librarian, Central Library, IIT, New Delhi

2Assistant Librarian, Central Library, IIT, New Delhi

3Assistant Librarian, Central Library, IIT, New Delhi

*Correspondence Author: Nabi Hasan, hasan@library.iitd.ac.in

Online published on 16 May, 2017.


The paper provides a brief introduction of the eBooks and IT Delhi library system. It highlights the major collections/resources, services and facilities offered by the system. It talks about the INDEST-AICTE consortium and NLIST projects as IIT Delhi is the headquarters and partner in the projects, respectively. It discusses the eBooks@IIT Delhi and presents a usage study of its current eBook collections with analysis depicted in the graphical form. The paper further touches some of the important points like; what drive an eBook usage, eBook usage barriers, eBook usage statistics issues and explores as whether an eBook consortium may help? The analysis show that the eBooks are still not very popular among readers as the printed books are still preferred for cover to cover reading and eBooks exists next to print books. eBooks have many advantages to offer, however print will not disappear.



eBooks, eBook usage, IIT Delhi Library, eBook consortium, INDEST, N-LIST.


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