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Author Guidelines

International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology
A Peer-Reviewed (Refereed/ Juried) Journal for Information Scientists & Professionals (ISSN 2229 5984, e-ISSN 2249 5576)

International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology (IJIDT) is a Quarterly Refereed/ Juried Journal for Information Scientist/ Professionals and Knowledge Managers. IJIDT invites articles on original research work releated to information- management, dissemination, communication, networking, information system and technologies, knowledge and data management, record and archives management, integrated library systems, e-contents/e-books digital collections, digital preservation, artificial intelligence etc. The Journal is published quarterly in the month of March, June, September and December.

IJIDT is a peer-reviewed journal and follows a double blind review process. All papers submitted to this journal undergo a preliminary review at the editorial desk and those considered appropriate will be also be reviewed by experts in the concerned subject area. On the recommendation of editorial board, the article may be rejected or assigned to the reviewers. The peer review process would entail approximately 2-4 months.

A manuscript is reviewed with the understanding that it is not under consideration by any other journal and that no part of the submission has appeared previously in any form.

Manuscript Format: It should be neatly typed in Times New Roman, double spaced on white AX4 size paper with 12 point font and ample margins including figures, tables reference and not more than 15 typed pages (2500 to 4000 words), for research papers.

An abstract of about 200 words and 6 to 7 key words should be provided along with the paper.

Manuscript submission: Manuscript can be submitted online on www.Indianjournals.com / www.ijidt.com or trough email - ijidt@mmumullana.org. You need to register yourself as author first on the website before submitting online if you are already registered, you can directly login with your username and password and submit your manuscript. For the purpose of postal communication, please correspond with editorial office.

Title Page:

The title page should carry

  1. Type of manuscript (e.g. Original article, Case Report)

  2. The title of the article, which should be concise, but informative.

  3. The name by which each contributor is known (Last name, First name and initials of middle name), with his or her highest academic degree(s) and institutional affiliation.

  4. The name, address, phone numbers, facsimile numbers and e-mail address of the contributor responsible for correspondence about the manuscript.

References should be given alphabetically in APA style at the end of the manuscript in the following manner:

Journal: (continues pagination throughout volume)

Burke, R.J., Shearer, D. & Deszca, E. (1984). Correlates of burn out phases among police officers. Group of Organizational Studies, 9, 451-466.

Clark, S.M. (2009). Measuring usage pattern of Print & E-resources by scientists. International Journal of Information Dissemination & Technology, 1(3), 157-162.

Journal article from an Electronic Database

Krebs, D.L. & Denton, K. (2006). Explanatory limitations of Cognitive development approaches to morality. Psychological Review, 113 (3), 672-675. Retrieved April 20, 2007 from PsycINFO databse (2006-08257-012)

Articles from online Journals

Vasper, J. Haak, S. & Nikkhah, G (2007). Subthalamic nucleus brain stimulation in elderly patients-analysis of outcome and complications. BMC Neurology, 7(7), 1-9. Retrieved April 20, 2007 http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2377-7-7.pdf.


Damle, S.G. (2012) Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry (4th ed.) New Delhi: Arya (Medi) Publishing House.

Chapter from a Book:

Rao, A.V.R. (2010). Human volumes in organizations-An additional exploration. In Chakraborty, S.K. (ed.); Human volumes for Managers, New Delhi: Wheeler Publishing, 136-147.

Book reviews can also be a part of the Journal. The text of the book review should be typed neatly in double space on one side of A4 size paper. The book review must contain author(s) name, title of the book reviewed, ISBN, Publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price. The reviewer should submit his / her name, designation, affiliation, e-mail, phone, fax with STD code and the postal address on a separate sheet.

Revised Manuscript

While submitting a revised manuscript, contributors are requested to include, the 'referees' remarks along with point to point clarification at the beginning in the revised file itself. In addition, mark the changes as underlined or coloured text in the article. A photocopy of the first page of all the cited references (articles and books) can be asked by the journal to verify the references.

International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology reserves the right to publish or not to publish any manuscript submitted for publication without giving any reason for the same.


The whole of the literary matter in the International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology is copyright and cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the Editorial Board.

A complimentary copy of the relevant issue of International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology will be sent to the author(s). Any change in the address should be immediately intimated to the Editorial Office

Dr Ashok Kr Garg
Editor-in-Chief, IJIDT
Chief Librarian
Maharishi Markandeshwar University
Mullana - Ambala, Haryana
Bharat (India) - 133207
Ph. 094163 93100

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