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Year : 2009, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 12)
Print ISSN : 0973-4317. Online ISSN : 1945-919X. Published online : 2009  1.

Steady Flow of a Visco-elastic Second-grade Fluid between Two Enclosed Rotating Discs with uniform Suction and Injection

Sharma H.G.1,*, Ritu1, Singh M.P.2

1department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, G.K.V., Haridwar, Uttarakhand-247667, India

*Author for Correspondence. E-mail: hgsfdfma@iitr.ernet.in


The problem of steady flow of a non-Newtonian visco elastic second-grade fluid between two enclosed rotating discs with uniform suction and injection has been solved by finite difference method when

the discs rotate in the same sense,

the discs rotate in the opposite sense,

one disc rotates and the other is at rest.

The flow is subjected to a superposed small mass rate of symmetrical radial outflow (or infow). The effects of the second order terms are observed to depend on the dimensionless visco-elastic and cross-viscous parameters T and K. The presence of the shrpud induces circulation about the axis of rotation. It is itttetfstfng to find that the maximum values ξ1, and ξ2 of the diinensionloss radial distances at which there is no-recirculation, for the cases of net radial outflow and net radial inflow, decrease with an increase in the visco-elastic parameter T and suction parameter A. The velocities at ξ1, and ξ2 as well as at some other fixed radii have been calculated for different values of T, A and constants s1, and s2, and the associated phenomena of recirculation/no-recirculation has been discussed in detail and shown graphically. The change in the flow phenomena due to a reversal of the direction of net radial flow has been studied. Such flows are useful in mechanical and chemical industries.



Second-grade fluid, Enclosed rotating disk, Radial inflow, Shroud effect, Finite difference method.





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