Air Pollution Dispersion Under the Effect of Vertical Height Dependent Wind Speed and Downwind Distance Dependent Diffusivity and Removal Agarwal Manju1,*, Tandon Abhinav1 1Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, Lucknow University, Lucknow-226 007, India *Author for Correspondence. E-mail: manjuak@yahoo.com
Abstract The paper presents a numerical solution to two-dimensional steady state mathematical model to predict the crosswind integrated concentration of air pollutants released from an elevated source in a surface based inversion layer. The eddy diffusivity is taken as a function of downwind distance from the source and the wind speed as a power law function of height above the ground. The relevance of taking such type of wind profile on concentration distribution is shown. Moreover, to take into account of various forms of sinks mechanisms existing in the atmosphere, the removal term is taken here to be function of downwind distance from the source. This inclusion helps in assessing the capability of sinks by their distribution in the atmosphere. The analysis of the change in pattern of concentration profiles at the ground by taking distance dependent removal show that the concentration of the pollutant can be reduced considerably due to the presence of these sinks but the change in concentration also depends on their distribution in the atmosphere. Top AMS Subject Classification: Keywords Pollutant, Downwind distance, Crosswind integrated, Numerical, Crank Nicolson, Sink, Dirac delta. Top | | | |
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