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Instructions to Authors

Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (IJIAM) invites original research work pertaining to modern mathematical analysis and its manifold applications aimed at a systematic study of real-world problems, i.e., mathematical treatment of questions arising in physical, engineering, finance, biological and social sciences, especially those in which analytical aspects and the novelty of the solution of non-trivial applications are emphasised. The research work should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions (articles), initially, must be sent to the Editor-in-chief in soft copy via e-mail attachment, preferably, in MS Word and also in hard copy to the following address:

Prof. Abul Hasan Siddiqi

Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
www.siam-india.in; www.siam.org

Online Article Submission Platform to Diva Enterprises Private Limited

E-mail: ijiam.siam@gmail.com

Each article must be accompanied with a covering letter from the corresponding author mentioning the names of four reviewers (preferably, experts in the area the article relates to) with their respective contact details (mailing address, phone and fax number(s), e-mail address, etc.). The final decision about the choice of reviewers and acceptance of each article lies solely with Editor-in-chief. Articles complete in all respects should be submitted in the format described below.

Acceptance of Article

Upon receipt of acceptance for publication of an article, the following should be submitted to the Editor-in-chief:

  1. Complete manuscript in one hard copy and one soft copy (both open and PDF files). The manuscript containing error-free text, acknowledgement(s), figures (originals) and tables with relevant legends and captions, respectively, and complete literature references should be as per the layout (see References).

  2. Covering letter certifying that the article is an original research work, which has neither been published elsewhere nor submitted for publication elsewhere and that the author(s) does/do have any objection to the publication of his/her/their article in IJIAM and also that they are willingly transferring copyright for the article to the Editor-in-chief, IJIAM.

Article Format

Each article should contain the following:

Title: The title of the article should be brief and informative. A short title may also be provided for the folio line.

Author(s) Details: Complete name(s) and affiliation(s) of respective contributor(s) along with the address where the work was carried out should be inserted below the title. The name of the corresponding author and his/her e-mail address should be mentioned. If the current address of the author(s) is different, it should be given as a footnote in the title page.

Abstract: It should state the objective of the work and summarize the results giving their theoretical and practical significance, as specifically as possible in not more than 200 words.

Keywords: It should contain meaningful words/phrases appearing in the article.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification

Text: The text should clearly identify the hierarchy of the headings to separate the main headings from the subheadings. It could also include the following:

Language: Although British English is the preferred language for IJIAM. However, an author(s) may submit his article in American English. The main point is to be consistent in spelling and usage.

Section Headings: The number of section levels should generally be limited to 3 or maximum 4. The headings in a short note may not need to be numbered. For a longer paper with many sections, number them.

1. ……… ALL CAPS

1.2 …………. Upper & Lower Case

1.1.1 ………… Ist letter cap rest lower case

(a) ………… Bold text type

Symbols and Units: Symbols for physical quantities (a number associated with a unit) should be in italics (math mode in LaTeX) while symbols for units should be in roman type. Greek characters require special attention. These should be clearly marked.

Footnotes: Footnotes should be avoided. Information in a footnote can be incorporated into the text (or made parenthetical). If a footnote is necessary, it should be as short as possible.

Contractions: Do not use contractions (for example let’s, don’t, won’t). “i.e.,” “e.g.,” “et al.” A comma should follow i.e. and e.g., but should not precede et al.

Tables: All the tables, mentioned at appropriate places in the text, should be preferably submitted on separate sheets, numbered serially in Arabic numerals. Each table must be accompanied with an appropriate caption. Tables should present data in a clear manner.

Figures: All the figures, mentioned at appropriate places in the text, should be numbered serially in Arabic numerals. The figures should be clear and easily reproducible drawing(s)/illustration(s), and carefully made using standard software(s) like MS Excel, Corel Draw, Microsoft Power Point, etc. Photographs, if unavoidable, should be supplied in original (in soft copy). In case of graphs, the coordinates should be indicated on the margins. Each figure must be accompanied with an appropriate caption. While submitting the originals/printouts (in hard copy), kindly ensure that each is serially numbered and the author’s name and title of the article is mentioned at the back of each figure/photograph. Hand-drawn graphs and figures are not acceptable.

Mathematical Equations: Complete equations should be clear and correctly typed. They should be embedded in the text using software(s) like MS Equation Editor or Latex. Subscripts and exponents must be accurately placed. The equations should be numbered consecutively (use of sub-numbers should be avoided). Handwritten equations and formulae are not acceptable.

References: In text, references should be indicated at the appropriate place by giving the number in square brackets [ ]. Literature should be listed and numbered at the end of the text in the same order in which the references occur within the text. For example:

  1. Daubechies, I., 1992. “Ten Lectures on Wavelets”, CBMS-NSF Series in Appl. Math., SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 23-27.

  2. Czaja, W., Kutyniok, G. and Speegle, D., 2006. “The Geometry of Sets of Parameters of Wave Packets”, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 20(1), 1, pp. 108-125.

Standard abbreviations may also be used for a journal’s name. In case of book(s), the edition, name of the publisher and place of the publication should also be given.

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