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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year 2012, Volume-69, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538
Online ISSN : 0974-0112

Table of contents

Molecular cloning and characterization of a partial mitogen-activated protein kinase cDNA, CnMAPK1 induced in response to water stress in coconut
Bobby Paul, Rajesh M.K., Naresh Kumar S.

Effect of integrated nutrient management in mango cv. Sunderja
U.S. Gautam, Rajesh Singh, Neelam Tiwari, P.S. Gurjar, Ashish Kumar

A study on diversity and distribution of kokum (Garcinia indica (Choisy) Thouars) using DIVA-GIS in Goa with respect to fruit characters
Priya Devi. S., T.N. Balamohan, M. Thangam, J. Ashok Kumar, K. Ramachandrudu, V.S. Korikanthimath

Non-destructive leaf area estimation in pomegranate cv. Bhagwa
D.T. Meshram, S.D. Gorantiwar, N.V. Singh, S.S. Suroshe

Integrated nutrient management improves growth and leaf nutrient status of guava cv. Pant Prabhat
Amit Kumar Goswami, Shant Lal, K.K. Misra

Response of yield and quality of winter guava to severity of summer pruning
Satya Prakash, Virendra Kumar, P.L. Saroj, S.C. Sirohi

Effect of integrated organic nutrient sources on soil nutrient status and microbial population in strawberry field
Nowsheen Nazir, S.R. Singh, M.K. Sharma, F.A. Banday, V.K. Sharma, Aroosa Khalil, Shazia Hayat

Growth, yield and quality of guava as influenced by varying rejuvenation periods
N.K. Singh, D.C. Shrivastava, A.P. Bhandarkar

Evaluation of improved lines of tomato for yield performance and disease resistance under open field conditions
S.K. Sain, M.L. Chadha

Combining ability analysis of yield and its component in okra
B. Singh, M. Kumar, R.K. Naresh

Heterosis and inbreeding depression for fruit characters in cucumber
Raghvendra Singh, Anand K. Singh, Sanjay Kumar, B.K. Singh

Root morphology of tomato and brinjal as influenced by Cr toxicity
Mamta Gautam, Anil Kumar Singh, Rajiv Mohan Johri

Role of oxalic acid on shelf-life and physicochemical characteristics of tomato
Kamal Kant, Ajay Arora, V.P. Singh, Raj Kumar

Studies on influence of bio-fertilizers on quality and economics of cauliflower cv. PSB K-1 production
Manisha Kachari, B.N. Korla

Molecular characterization of selected somaclones in ginger using RAPD markers
Resmi Paul, M.R. Shylaja, P.A. Nazeem

Genetic variability studies on Mussaenda species variation among five Mussaenda species detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA
A.K. Mukherjee, L.K. Acharya, T. Mohapatra, P. Das

Character association and path coefficient analysis in rose (Rosa × hybrida)
Sapna Panwar, Kanwar P. Singh, K.V. Prasad, C. Tara Satyavathi, Namita

Exploring genetic relationships in Artemisia species growing in trans-Himalayan cold arid desert using RAPD markers
Jitendra Kumar, Gyan P. Mishra, A.A. Murkute, G. Phanikumar, Pradeep K. Naik, R.B. Srivastava

Effect of spacing and biofertilizers on growth and nutrients of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)
V.P. Singh, Jai Prakash, R.K. Singh, A. Nataraj

Pre-harvest treatments for shelf-life extension of Khasi mandarin under different storage conditions
Bidyut C. Deka, Shahida Choudhury, A. Bhattacharyya

Effect of 1-MCP on shelf-life and quality of kiwifruit stored under ambient conditions
Md Jameel Jhalegar, R.R. Sharma, R.K. Pal, Swati Sharma

Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on storage life and quality of peaches
B.V.C. Mahajan, S.R. Sharma

Short communications

Reaction of Vitis genotypes at the National Active Germplasm Site to downy mildew infection under tropical humid conditions of India
Indu S. Sawant, G.S. Karibasappa, Kiran P. Deokar, Dinesh Shetty, Anuradha Upadhyay

Quality parameters studies on Mangifera genus and varieties
Man Bihari, R. Kumar, K. Singh, A. Kumar, A. Prasad, Surya Narayan, S.K.N. Pandey

Effect of irrigation systems and frequencies on growth and yield of papaya
P.K. Jain, Akhilesh Tiwari

Response of lemon cv. Baramasi to foliar feeding of nutrients
Savreet Sandhu, J.S. Bal

Shelf-life evaluation of ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.) cultivars
Pranava Pandey, J.N. Singh

Impact of inorganic to organic cultivation practices on yield of tea in Darjeeling hills -A case study
J.S. Bisen, A.K. Singh

Response of capsicum to different plant density under polyhouse and open conditions
S. Brahma, D.B. Phookan, M. Kachari, T.K. Hazarika

Effect of foliar spray of boron on biology, egg laying activity and control of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guen.)
S. Satpathy, Akhilesh Kumar, T.M. Shivalingaswamy, A.B. Rai


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