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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year 2011, Volume-68, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538
Online ISSN : 0974-0112

Table of contents

Evidence of a new Musa species - M. swarnaphalya in India and its confirmation through morpho-molecular characterization
S. Uma, M.S. Saraswathi, P. Durai

Evolving cashew F1 hybrids suitable for high density planting system
M.S. Aneesa Rani, N. Kumar, R. Marimuthu

Foot rot incidence in Kinnow orchards and its management through biorational paint formulations
R.B. Gaur, R.N. Sharma, M.K. Kaul

Microbial dynamics in rhizosphere of fruit plants during summer and monsoon in arid environment
B.K. Yadav, J.C. Tarafdar, Jitendra Panwar

Harvest maturity standards and fruit quality of some apple cultivars under high altitudal conditions
Biswajit Das, Hare Krishna, B.L. Attri, Nazeer Ahmad, J.K. Ranjan

Influence of triacontanol and paclobutrazol on growth and leaf nutrient status of Non-Pareil almond under different soil moisture regimes
M.K. Sharma, N.K. Joolka

Effect of pruning intensities on growth, nut quality, yield and leaf nutrient status of pecan
S.K. Upadhyay, J. Badyal, R.P. Awasthi

Effect of mulching material and herbicides on tree growth, yield and fruit quality of ber
J.S. Bal, Surjit Singh

Comparative performance of superior guava genotypes in Northern India: Flowering and fruit set
S. Sharma, S.K. Sehrawat, P.L. Saran

Genetic diversity among cultivated and wild germplasm of cucumber based on RAPD analysis
H. Choudhary, D.K. Singh, S.S. Marla, V.B.S. Chauhan

Studies on in vitro propagation in hot pepper
Hira Singh, T.S. Dhillon, A.S. Sidhu, S.S. Gosal

Genetic variability and character association for yield and quality traits in early maturing Indian cauliflowers
Mahesh Kumar, S.R. Sharma, P. Kalia, P. Saha

Combining ability and gene action studies for fruit yield and yield contributing traits in brinjal
N. Rai, B.S. Asati

Inheritance of quantitative characters in knol khol
Chander Parkash

Management of damping-off of tomato with botanicals and bio-products in North Western Himalayas
K.S. Hooda, D. Joshi, Shri Dhar, J.C. Bhatt

Availability of major nutrients in soil as influenced by integrated nutrient management in tomato-onion cropping system
R. Uma Reddy, M. Suryanarayan Reddy

Effect of different planting material, planting dates and harvesting dates on growth, yield and quality of turmeric
S.S. Manhas, B.S. Gill, Sushil Sharma, Krishan Kumar

Influence of organic manures on growth, yield and quality of makoi (Solanum nigrum L.)
K. Umesha, S.P. Soumya, G.R. Smitha, B.S. Sreeramu

Effect of different packaging films on storage life and quality of peach fruits under cold storage conditions
Alemwati Pongener, B.V.C. Mahajan, Harminder Singh

Wax coating and padding materials influence quality and shelf-life of purple passion fruit during storage
Akath Singh, D.S. Yadav, R.K. Patel, Amit Nath, Mousumi Bhuyan

Standardization of a method for the development of hurdle processed bitter gourd rings
K.S. Jayachandran, Vijay Sethi, Shruti Sethi, Gyanendra Singh

Short communications

Effect of plant growth regulators on physico-chemical characters and yield of guava cv. Sardar under high density planting system
M.C. Jain, L.K. Dashora

Effect of paclobutrazol treatments and planting density on photosynthetic efficiency and fruit production in peach cv. July Elberta
N.D. Negi, N. Sharma

Performance of aonla cultivars for yield and physico-chemical properties under Coorg conditions
Sudhir Kumar, R. Chithiraichelvan, G. Karunakaran

Identification of self-incompatibility in early cauliflower using fluorescence microscopy
T.R. Vinay, B. Varalakshmi

Genetic variability studies in ridge gourd under arid environment
D.K. Samadia

Response of foliar application of micronutrients on tomato variety Rashmi
Swati Barche, Pradeep Singh, Hind Mahasagar, D.B. Singh

Genetic diversity of Kaempferia siphonantha King. ex Baker: An indigenous medicinal plant of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Krishna Kumar, P. Simhachalam, Israr Ahmad, P.K. Singh, N. Amaresan, S. Sheela Pal, R.C. Srivastava, E. Veeraputhiran

Influence of slice thickness on the quality of dehydrated bitter gourd rings
Uadal Singh, V.R. Sagar, Ram Asrey


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