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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year 2009, Volume-66, Issue-1 (March)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538
Online ISSN : 0974-0112

Table of contents

Somatic embryogenesis and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of geranium with chitinase-glucanase encoding genes
Sukhada Mohandas, Prakasha Kempaiah, M.L. Choudhary, B.N.S. Murthy, T.K.S. Gowda

Genetic divergence in mango varieties and possible use in breeding
S. Rajan, L.P. Yadava, Ram Kumar, S.K. Saxena

Genetic diversity analysis among the open pollinated clones of mango in Andaman and Nicobar Islands using RAPD markers
T. Damodaran, D.R. Singh, G. Kapil Dev, A. Balasubramanian, M. Kavino, R.P. Medhi

Optimization of major nutrients for guava yield and quality under east coastal conditions
Dinesh Kumar, V. Pandey, K. Anjaneyulu, Vishal Nath

Individually stretch cling film wrapped Kinnow mandarin under ambient storage
R.K. Sonkar, D.A. Sarnaik, S.N. Dikshit, R.R. Saxena

Effect of salt stress on mortality, reduction in root growth and distribution of mineral nutrients in Kurukkan mango at nursery stage
Manish Srivastav, A.K. Dubey, A.K. Singh, R. Singh, R.N. Pandey, P.S. Deshmukh

Genetic (RAPD) diversity in loblolly pine unknown provenance plantation in Iran
T. Rostami Shahraji, M. Niknejad Kazempour, Z. Adbesh

Studies on the response of bio-fertilizer on growth and productivity of guava
P. Dutta, S.B. Maji, B.C. Das

Fruit development studies in Asian soft pear
G.G.V. Shyamali, W.S. Dhillon

Studies on shiny spot symptom development on grapevine leaves and its effect on fruitfulness, disease incidence and vine yield
Jagdev Sharma, A.K. Upadhyay, S.D. Sawant, Indu S. Sawant

Effect of osmosis on chemical parameters and sensory attributes of mango, guava slices and aonla segments
P. Suresh Kumar, V.R. Sagar

Effect of post-harvest treatments on shelf life of ber fruits
H.R. Meena, A.R.P. Kingsly, R.K. Jain

Genetic fingerprinting of onion cultivars using SSR markers
Vijay Mahajan, Jernej Jakse, M.J. Havey, K.E. Lawande

Assessing effect of time, temperature, moisture and labile P content on phosphate availability in rhizosphere soil of tomato by resin disc technique
Nirmal De, S.C. Datta

Genetic variability and selection parameters for yield and quality attributes in tomato
Anjum Ara, Raj Narayan, Nazeer Ahmed, S.H. Khan

Performance of gerbera varieties in different growing media under coastal humid conditions of Goa
M. Thangam, M.S. Ladaniya, V.S. Korikanthimath

Efficacy of microbial inoculants on reducing the phosphatic fertilizer input in chrysanthemum
Sudhir Chandra, Nidhi Srivastava, Raghvendra P. Narayan, Nidhi Sharma, H.K. Kehri

Weather data based descriptive models for prediction of coconut yield in different agro-climatic zones of India
S. Naresh Kumar, V. Rajagopal, V.K. Cherian, T. Siju Thomas, B. Sreenivasulu, D.D. Nagvekar, M. Hanumanthappa, R. Bhaskaran, K. Vijaya Kumar, M.K. Ratheesh Narayanan, C.H. Amarnath

Investigation on the influence of seedling's physiological attributes on productivity in black pepper
K.S. Krishnamurthy, B. Chempakam

Studies on mineral composition of cashew
K.V. Nagaraja

Syncytial nuclei formation and development in coconut fruits
K. Devakumar, J. Prabakaran

Effect of plant population and soil moisture stress on herbage yield and andrographolide content in Andrographis paniculata
R. Saravanan, Sunil Khristi, N.A. Gajbhiye, S. Maiti

Short communications

Effect of pre-storage heat treatment on peach quality. II. Processing and chemical characteristics
Parshant Bakshi, F.A. Masoodi, Kiran Kour

Comparative fruit quality traits of citrus cultivars interplanted under the shade of date palm and open conditions
S.K. Thatai, Nirmaljit Kaur, J.S. Josan

Effect of planting density on growth and yield of strawberry
M. Feza Ahmad

Evaluation of summer squash varieties under plastic low tunnels during their off-season cultivation
Balraj Singh, Mahesh Kumar

Effect of date of planting and spacing on the performance of broccoli
Preeti Singhal, B.K. Srivastava, M.P. Singh, P.K. Singh

Analysis of pod and seed development rate in early and mid season genotypes of garden pea
V.R. Anil Kumar, R.R. Sharma, P.S. Deshmukh

Effect of sewage water on heavy metal load on okra, spinach and cauliflower in vertsoil
P.K. Singh, A.K. Biswas, S.P. Singh

Optimization of PCR reagents for amplification of microsatellites in oil palm
M. Jayanthi, G. Sujatha, P.K. Mandal


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