Fruit development studies in Asian soft pear Shyamali G.G.V., Dhillon W.S.* Department of Horticulture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 141 004. *Corresponding author's: E-mail: wasakhasingh@yahoo.com
Abstract A study was conducted to investigate fruit development stages and to determine optimum harvesting time for Asian soft pear variety ‘YaLi’ under sub-tropical conditions. Fruit colour changed to lighter shades of yellow green and fruit shape was pyriform at maturity. Fruit growth in terms of length, diameter and weight increased from fruit set to maturity in three distinct phases and became static after 114 days of full bloom. Specific gravity, fruit firmness and number of lenticels per cm2 decreased as the fruit develops, while thickness and length of pedicel showed an increasing trend. Pulp and juice percentage, and palatability rating increased, whereas rag percentage decreased as the fruit reached maturity. The level of soluble solids and sugars increased throughout the fruit development, however, the level of acidity decreased. These parameters show little variation during last phases of fruit development. An increase in seed size and seed weight was observed along with the increase in fruit size. The seed attained yellow orange colour at maturity. ‘YaLi’ pear attained maturity and was ready-to-harvest at 114 to 118 DAFB under sub-tropical Punjab conditions. Top Key words Asian soft pear, fruit development, maturity, ‘YaLi’. Top | | |
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