Genetic diversity analysis among the open pollinated clones of mango in Andaman and Nicobar Islands using RAPD markers Damodaran T.*, Singh D.R.1, Dev G. Kapil1, Balasubramanian A.1, Kavino M.2, Medhi R.P. 1Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, 744 101. 2Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 641 003. *Corresponding author's: E-mail: damhort2002@yahoo.com
Abstract Eighteen mango clones (Mangifera indica Linn.) were examined for genetic diversity using 60 RAPD primers. Of the 60 primers screened, 20 primers gave polymorphic DNA amplification patterns. The number of bands generated ranged from 5 – 8 per primer. Banding patterns of the primers used to distinguish between clones indicated that PCR by using RAPD primers was an efficient method for clonal identification. Similarity coefficients were calculated based on 57 selected bands and UPGMA clustering analysis was performed. Six local clones were found to be related closely with four clones from South India. The remaining eight clones were classified into four groups based on the dendrogram. Our analysis separated the differentially flowering polyembryonic local clones with single flowering monoembryonic ones. Top Key words Genetic variations, mango clones, using RAPD markers. Top | | |
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