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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year : 2003, Volume : 60, Issue : 1
First page : ( 40) Last page : ( 44)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538.

Effect of nitrogen on shoot growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality in pear cv. Bagugosha

Yadav Ashish, Bist L.D.

Department of Horticulture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263 145


An experiment was carried out in 10-year-old Bagugosha pear trees with eight levels of N (20–100 g N/tree/year) and fixed doses of P2O5 and K2O. The lateral and terminal shoot growth increased significantly beyond 50 g N/tree/year. The highest number of floral spurs and flowers per metre branch was observed in the trees receiving 60 g N/tree/year. The total soluble solids, ascorbic acid and total sugars did not show significant response with increasing N levels but these treatments were effective in reducing acidity and enhancing sugar: acid ratio, particularly at 60 g N/tree/year and above. The results showed that 60 g N/tree/year was optimum to enhance shoot growth, spurring, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality in Bagugosha pear under Tarai conditions of Uttaranchal.


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