Physico-chemical characteristics of important apricot cultivars of cold arid region of Ladakh Dwivedi Deepa H., Kareem A.*, Dwivedi S.K.*, Mir A.A. Regional Research Station, SKUAST, Leh, Ladakh 194 101 * Present address: Field Research Laboratory (DRDO), Murtse, Leh 194 101.
Summary There was a wide variation in physical characters, viz. shape and size of fruits and kernels, and also in chemical parameters, viz. TSS and acidity, indicating the pronounced variability in germplasm available in apricot in Ladakh region. There is immense potential for exploitation of its germplasm for breeding programmes and development of superior fruit quality cultivars. However, this needs further detailed study. Conservation of this valuable germplasm is also the need of the hour. Top | | | |
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