Interrelationships of Subspecies of Oryza Sativa as Revealed by Grain and Embryo Size Ghosh Malabika, Bhaduri P. N. Department of Botany, University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal Summary Grains of 52 aus, 49 aman and 20 each of japonica and javanica (Indonesian) varieties of rice were scored for length, breadth and thickness of each grain (husked) using a random sample of ten grains per variety. Embryo length and breadth were also measured with the help of an ocular micrometer. Variances for each of the dimensions measured were calculated for all the four groups and compared pairwise to test whether there was any significant difference between these groups. Correlation between the volume of the embryo and the endosperm was tested by working out the coefficient of correlation. It has been found that: (1) the aman type is significantly different from aus, japonica and javanica in respect of variances for any of the dimensions. The japonica and aus types also differ significantly from each other. But this, not so when the variances for aus and. javanica are compared; (2) In aman and. javanica types the volumes of the embryo and the endosperm are significantly and positively correlated but in case of aus and japonica types this correlation is not significant. The present findings confirm the view that aman and japonica types constitute distinct subgroups amongst cultivated races. The aus types are a heterogenous assemblage evolved as ecotypes from the aman rices. As the javanica types consisting of sub types bulu, tjereh and gundil have been treated as a single unit no definite conclusions could be arrived at in regard to their affinities with other groups. Nevertheless the javanica group shows similarity with respect to size of the grain and embryo to both aus and aman types. Top | |
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