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Author Guidelines

The Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding is a periodical for the publication of records of original research in all branches of genetics, plant breeding and cytology, including human genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology, and other cognate sciences of sufficient importance and of such a character as to be of primary interest to the geneticist and plant breeders.

Preparation and submission of manuscript

Authors are requested to submit their manuscript online (at Article submission, www.indianjournal.com) strictly in the format of the Journal. Files should be in docx or doc format with 12 font size of Times New Romans. Automatic page numbering function should be used to number the page. Authors can also send their manuscript through e-mail to isgpb@rediffmail.com and editorisgpb@gmail.com as attachment. On receipt of an article, an acknowledgement giving the registration number of the paper is sent to the corresponding author. This number should always be quoted while making further enquiry about the manuscript. All correspondence regarding the manuscript should be addressed to the Editor, The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, F-2, First Floor, NASC Complex, D.P.S. Marg, Post Box # 11312, IARI, New Delhi 110 012.

Each full length research paper must not exceed 3000 words including tables, illustrations and references. Short communications should be restricted to about 1200words but not exceeding five typed pages including abstract (100 words), tables, figures and references. Manuscripts should be typed in double space and thoroughly revised before submission. The author(s) will be held responsible for any claims, false statements or contents of the paper.

Ethical issues: The journal is committed to maintain integrity of research publications and scientific professionalism, and hence discourages misrepresentation of research results and plagiarism. The authors are expected to exhibit professionalism of scientific stewardship, ethics and follow good scientific practices. Strict compliance with ethical standards should be practiced before submitting a manuscript. Authors must ensure that the manuscript and its content has not been submitted to any other journal or publication.

Conflict of interest: Authors should write a statement regarding conflict of interest, if any.

The full length paper should have the following headings:

Short title: A short title, not exceeding 35 letters should be typed at the top of the first page in first letters capital and underlined.

Title: The title should be short, specific and informative typed in first letters capitals, Latin names in italics.

Authors: Names of the author(s) to be typed in first letters capital. The name should be devoid of degrees, designation, etc. Changes of authorship or in order of the authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript. The manuscript should be approved by co-authors.

Address: Address of the institution(s) where the work was carried out should be given. The corresponding author should be indicated by asterisk (*), and his/her e-mail and present address of correspondence be given as footnote.

Abstract: A brief abstract, not exceeding 200 words, of the principal points including rationale, materials and methods, results and important conclusions should be typed after address in double spacing entirely indented on both sides, without additional paragraph indentation.

Key words: The abstract should be followed by not more than five key words indicating the contents of the research paper.

Main headings: Each full-length research paper should have the following main headings, which are to be typed only the first letter capitals on left of the page: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (optional) and References.

Sub-headings: Typed flush left in first letters capital italicised.

Paragraph heading: Typed indented, only the first letter capital, ending with a period. Not more than three levels of displayed headings should be used.

Introduction: It should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem and aim(s) of the experiment. The literature reviewed should be pertinent to the problem under study. The abbreviations should be well defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.

Materials and methods: It should include relevant details on the nature of material, experimental design, the techniques employed, and the statistical methods used. For well known methods, citation of relevant reference(s) will suffice. For inserting equations, formulae, etc. equation editor function should be used.

Results and discussion: Result and Discussion can be written separately or combined. Repetition of text should invariably be avoided. Statistically analyzed data essential for drawing conclusion and not presented in tables nor explained in the figures only to be included in Discussion section.

Nomenclature: Generic and species names should be italicised and the first reference to the latter should be accompanied by the authority.

Tables: Tables should be typed on separate sheets, each with a short heading. Tables should be typed with the first letter (T) capital. Table function should be used for making a table, and should be numbered in Arabic numerals followed by a period. All measurements should be in metric units. All tables should be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. Source of already published materials included in the table, if any, should be given. Footnotes to Tables should be indicated by superscript, lowercase letter (or asterisk (*) for significance value or other statistical data) and included in the bottom of the Table.

Figures/Line drawings: Only good quality figures essential for the manuscript shall be given in JPEG or TIFF format. The illustrations should not repeat the data presented in tables and vice-versa. Text figures should be used in preference to plates. All the figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. All figures must have descriptive captions, and patterns and/or color to be used for clarity. All the legends to illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Prior permission must be taken from the copyright owner(s) for use of figure(s) from already published articles. For such permission, costs involved, if any, are to be borne by the authors.

Photographs: The photographs should be of high quality in JPEG or TIFFformat. All photographs should carry descriptive caption and number in Arabic numerals. Processing charges of Rs. 5,000/-per page for authors from SAARC countries and $100 for other countries are to be paid in advance for colored photograph in the print version.

Acknowledgements: Should mention only assistance received in real terms, and financial grant provided by an agency.

References: To be cited as specified below:

  1. Text citation by name followed by year of publication: Singh (2004); Tomar et al. (2004); (Joshi 1984; Jain and Reddy 1995; Saxena et al. 2012).

  2. Listing of references should be in alphabetical order.

  3. Author’s names to be written in normal sequence, with surnames first, followed by initials, a period, and year (followed by a period).

  4. Journal names should be written in standard abbreviations and the book titles in full.

  5. Volume of Journal should be in boldface followed by colon and page numbers/DOI numbers.

  6. Volume or part of serialised books to be printed as vol. 2 or pt. III (not bold), followed by a colon, and page numbers. Name of publishers not to be abbreviated.


Sears E.R. 1978. History of the Chinese Spring aneuploids. Proc. 7th Intern. Wheat Genetic Symp. 1319 July, 1988, Institute of Plant Science Research (eds. T.E. Miller & R.M.D. Koebner), Cambridge Laboratory Trumpington, Cambridge, England. Vol. I: 3-6.

Falconer D.S. 1960. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. The Ronald Press Co., New York, USA: 365.

Miller P.A. and Marani A. 1963. Heterosis and combining ability in diallel crosses of upland cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. Crop Sci., 3: 441-444.

Sunderland N. 1977. Nuclear cytology. In: Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, vol. II (ed. H. E. Street). University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA: 171-206. (For Indian publishers, country name not to be indicated).

Tomar S.M.S., Singh S., Sivasamy M. and Vinod. 2014. Wheat rusts in India: Resistance breeding and gene deployment -A review. Indian J. Genet., 74: 129-156.

Weber D.F. 1967. On the interaction of nonhomologous segments of chromosomes in Zea mays L. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. (For Indian universities, country name not to be indicated).

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